Contains answers for all questions you might have regarding th SailfishOS Meetup in Berlin. If you think there is stil missing a question/answer feel free to ask/answer. :)
When do you meet? -> Every first Monday per month at 7pm
Where do you meet? -> At the c-base in Berlin. Find details how to get there here:
Who can attend? -> Everyone interested into SailfishOS. Developers, User, People who like OSS.
What do you do exactly at these meetups? -> It would be nice to have open discussions as well as having demos, hacks and presentations. Feel free to suggest a topic:
Do you need more help? -> Yes! :) Everything that seems to be useful is fine. That might be a website or Mailinglist or contributers for social media accounts. It would be also nice to have a sponsored device that could be used for hands on during our meetups.
How do I get involved into this github project? Just ask!