Generator of express for basic setup of routes and features as well as a basic structure of whole node application for api design .
Puriya uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
And of course Puriya itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Puriya requires Node.js and Npm to run.
How to install Puriya ?
> $ npm install puriya
The quickest way to scaffold your application by following command as shown below:
> $ puriya name
name should be entered by user ,no default value. After that :
> $ Name:(generator)
Application name is entered by user that is the name of application ,otherwise default value is 'Generator'.
> $ Mongo Url :
Mongo url is the url that is needed for database connection ,default value is mongodb://localhost:27017/test.
> $ Secret Key :
Secret key is entered by user ,otherwise default secret key is 864a6s8d^&%%$&aASU((&uih .
> $ Seal Pass :
Seal Pass is enetered by user ,otherwise default seal pass is 84a98sd4*&&%%(%^%^&asdas{}>894a*(*$@@8adYG&^&ASFDasd89dad.
After that all files are created .
For running the application you have to verify that your mongodb is running ,otherwise your application might crashed . Make sure that you are in the bin folder and first install node_modules folder by following command
> $ npm install
After that you have to type the following command
$ ../bin > node www
$ > npm start
For Adding features make sure you are in the applcation folder ,then type the following command
> $ puriya feature name-of-feature
Name of feature is the feature that user want to create ,no default value exist . After that
> $ Number of data :
Number of data means how many key-values add in the mongoose schema ,and it should be entered by user,numeric value is only allowed.
> $ Keyname :
Keyname should be entered by user ,empty value is not acceptable.
> $ Type of data
Type of data should be selected from the given list ,if user select '0' then list is prompt again . After that All files related to particular feature are created.
For Adding features make sure you are in the applcation folder ,then type the following command
> $ puriya router name-of-route
Name of route is the name of route that user want to create, no-default value exist . But before creating a particular route ,feature should be added with same name before creating a route. After that if a feature is already created than
> $ Name for function :
Method name is entered by user that is tha name of method
> $ Type of Route :
Type of route should be selected from the given list
> $ Enter Route :
User should enter a route here
> $ Enter query :
Type of query method should be selected from the given list
> $ Enter query model :
Query model should be entered by user .