This repository contain R code and documentation to create the tidy dataset from Human Activity Recoginition dataset collected using Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
R script run_analysis.R performs following steps to on source data to create tidy dataset.
- Load required dplyr and reshape2 R Packages.
- Download the source dataset in working directory from link It remove previous file and download a new copy.
- Load test and training dataset for Activities, Features and Subject dataset and merge them.
- Load features and assign to x_data dataset. keeping only columns related with mean and standard daviation.
- Load activity name and and assign "id" and "activity" as columns name.
- Merge activty dataset and activity name.
- Assign name subject as columns name in merged subject dataset.
- Merge all features, activity and subject dataset. and Convert activity column to character vector from factor.
- Average all columns for each subject and avtivity using melt and dcast function from reshape2 package.
- Finally store averaged data into a file tidy_data.txt.