- Bootstrap 5.0.2
- Jquery 3.6.1
- FontAwesome 6.2.0
theme: bootstrap5/jqueryUI
dataType: local/json/xml
data: variable associated with data
colNames: removed**
stickyHeader: to fix thead to the top : true/false
stickyCols: to make columns sticky : number of columns from left
scroller: display custom scroller : true
scrollSpeed:speed of horizontal scroll through scroller button : 200 ,
pager: true,
rowsPerPage: 20,
rowNumbering: true,
multiSelect: false,
colModel: Properties of a particular column
- name: key name of the data array/json
- colDataType: plainText/number/date/form
- formInputType: text/radio/checkbox/number/password/select
- width: sets the min-width for the col
- selectOptions: array of object with option names and value
- resizable : width of column can be resized