Billing system designed for Green Agricove Ltd.
- It allows generation of invoice, printing of invoice, and keeping a history of invoices.
- It keeps track of items, item prices, customer details and provides autocomplete suggestions accordingly.
There is no GST billing supprt or inventory management yet.
Documentation (Wiki) (Incomplete)
Compiled binary can be downloaded here: Download
Windows 10 32bit with .NET 4.6.1
VS 2017 Community, Entity Framework Core, and Crystal Reports for Visual Studio
- Fixed issues #9, #11, #13, #14
- Improved loading times
- Fixed issues #5, #6, #7
- Fixed issue #4
- Error message now visible over loading screen
- Optimised some database calls
- Added loading screen
- Bring window to front after loading
- Shift Tab now working
- Ability to quantity in decimal
- Table cell color indicates field active/inactive state
- Quantity larger than 100 supported
- Unit price only resets when desc changes to known item
- Unit value no more shows null
- User can't edit disctype anymore
- Fixed tabindex
- % is now default in disctype
- Total amount paid is assumed to be full by default
- Gridview selected cell back color changed
- Search suggestions enabled in name and address fields
- due date now getting refreshed when new invoice is opened
- Auto highlight existing text in every field
- Paid can't be higher than due
- Desc lostfocus no more resets qty
- Paid amoutn change now runs on keydown
- Overall font size increase
- Form refresh now resets date fields
- currency now shows comma on textboxes and labels
- Close and minimise box positions changed
- Balance due should now update always
- Refresh button now resets gridview cell sizes
- Gridview row heights increased
- Gridview header size and header font size increased
- Gridview now supports multiline text
- Grirview now sorts by due
- Row color now indicates which row has due remaining
- Search by due date added
- Replace all decimal.parse with custom parse that supprts comma
- Numeric boxes are no mmore allowed to be blank
- Due can no more become negative
- Save button now gets enabled even when due is zero
- Print option moved to save dialogue box
- Save clears invoice
- New Invoice button now refresh button
- Print button now stays disabled unless data is being loaded from search
- Find button and shortcut stay disabled while user is editing invoice
- Due date can't be older than invoice date
- Old search gets reloaded when you return to search
- Item can now be edited
- Text on find button now dynamically changes
- Qty now supports multiple units
- Save and Print button now no more getting enabled in find view
- Deafult unit is now KG
- When piece is unit, qty doesn't allow decimals anymore
- Unit field added in CrystalReports
- Added catch to handle missing CrystalReports installation and missing rpt file
- recursive up completely redesigned
- Close button bug in gridview fixed
- Fields no more disabled when loading from history
- Editing old invoice no more loads or saves item value