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Subhamay Bhattacharyya

Hi there 👋, I am Subhamay Bhattacharyya, 5x AWS, 1x Azure and 1x HashiCorp Terraform Certified and a AWS Cloud Enthusiast

    )) 🚩 Storage((
      EFS and FSx
    )) 🚩 Databases((
    )) 🚩 Networking((
      Route 53
    )) 🚩 Automation and Deployment((
      Serverless Framework
    )) 🚩 Content Delivery((
      Global Accelerator
    )) 🚩 Security((
      Network Firewall
    )) 🚩 End user((
      AppStream 2.0
    )) 🚩 Analytics((
    )) 🚩 AI and ML((
    )) 🚩 Compute((
    )) 🚩 Serverless((
      Kinesis DataStream
      API Gateway
    )) 🚩 Operations((
      Systems Manager
    )) 🚩 Migration and BCDR((
      Snow Devices 
      AWS Backup 
      Storage Gateway

Hands on with

      columns 8
      VPC:1 Subnet:1 NACL:1 Routing:1 SecurityGroup:1 InternetGateway:1 NATGateway:2
      Database:1 Crawler:1 Job:1 Trigger:5
      Compute:2 Storage:2
      EC2:1 Lambda:1 EBS:1 EFS:1
      SNS:2 SQS:2 Kinesis:4
      style Glue fill:#a6bde3,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Compute fill:#a6bde3,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Storage fill:#a6bde3,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Application_Integration fill:#a6bde3,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Networking fill:#a6bde3,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Database fill:#e8d897,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Crawler fill:#f0d775,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Job fill:#f2d046,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px
      style Trigger fill:#f5ca20,stroke:#a8a6e3,stroke-width:2px

Subhamay Cloudwork's's GitHub stats

Top Langs

  • 🔭 I'm currently working as a Senior Manager at Capgemni for a legacy to AWS cloud data migration project.
  • 💾 I've overall 23+ years of experience of which 2 years in desktop/client-server application development,16 years as an Oracle ERP technical consultant and 5 years as AWS Cloud Data Engineer.
  • 🌱 I'm currenly learning Terraform, SAM and Serverless Framework and GitHub Actions and Workflows. The list of my personal projects can be founnd at the bottom of this page
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on creating serverless patterns
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with Kubernetes
  • 💬 Ask me about my upcoming projects
  • 📫 How to reach me :
  • 😄 Pronouns: He/His/Him
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Love to play cuddle my cats Samsung and Thomas.

Languages and Tools:

aws git hive mariadb mssql oracle postgresql python




Reusable CI/CD Workflows:

Sr# Cloud Service Provider IaC Project Description Repository Status
1. AWS Terraform Reusable GitHub Workflows for AWS using Terraform gh-action-reusable-aws-tf-wf
2. AWS CloudFormation Reusable GitHub Workflows for AWS using Terraform gh-action-reusable-aws-tf-wf
3. Azure Terraform Reusable GitHub Workflows for Azure using Terraform gh-action-reusable-az-tf-wf
4. GCP Terraform Reusable GitHub Workflows for GCP using Terraform gh-action-reusable-gcp-tf-wf

GitHub Template Repositories:

Sr# Cloud Service Provider IaC Project Description Repository Status
1. AWS Terraform Repository Template for Terraform AWS terraform-aws-template
2. Azure Terraform Repository Template for Terraform Azure terraform-azure-template
3. GCP Terraform Repository Template for Terraform GCP terraform-gcp-template

AWS Networking Immersion Day:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0101 VPC Fundamentals 0101-networking-cft CloudFormation
2. 0102 Multiple VPCs 0102-networking-cft CloudFormation
3. 0103 Security Controls 0103-networking-cft CloudFormation
4. 0104 Connecting to On-Premises 0104-networking-cft CloudFormation
5. 0105 Networking Monitoring 0105-networking-cft CloudFormation
6. 0106 AWS Gateway Load Balancer 0106-networking-cft CloudFormation
7. 0107 AWS Transit Gateway Multicast 0107-networking-cft CloudFormation
8. 0108 AWS VPC with private only subnets 0108-networking-cft CloudFormation
9. 0109 AWS VPC with public and private subnets 0109-networking-cft CloudFormation

AWS Glue Immersion Day:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0201 Working with Glue Data Catalog🔥 0201-glue-cft CloudFormation
2. 0202 Working with Apache Spark 0202-glue-cft CloudFormation
3. 0203 Working with Glue ETL 0203-glue-cft CloudFormation
4. 0204 Working with Glue Streaming 0204-glue-cft CloudFormation
5. 0205 Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Scaling 0205-glue-cft CloudFormation
6. 0206 Glue Job Orchestration 0206-glue-cft CloudFormation
7. 0207 Working with Glue Data Quality 0207-glue-cft CloudFormation
8. 0208 Working with Glue Databrew 0208-glue-cft CloudFormation

Serverless Immersion Day:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0301 Introduction to Serverless 0301-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation
2. 0302 Synchronous Invocation 0302-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation
3. 0302 Synchronous Invocation 0302-serverless-py-sam SAM
4. 0303 Synchronous + Idempotence 0303-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation
5. 0304 Asynchronous Invocation 0304-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation
6. 0305 Pooling 0305-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation
7. 0306 Deep Dive 0306-serverless-py-cft CloudFormation

Step Function Immersion Day:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0401 Request Response 0201-step-function-cft CloudFormation
2. 0402 Execute Asynchronous Task 0202-step-function-cft CloudFormation
3. 0403 Execute Synchronous Task 0203-step-function-cft CloudFormation
4. 0404 Asynchronous Invocation 0204-step-function-cft CloudFormation
5. 0405 Callback with Task Token 0205-step-function-cft CloudFormation
6. 0406 Choice and Map State 0206-step-function-cft CloudFormation
7. 0407 Parallel State 0206-step-function-cft CloudFormation
8. 0408 Input and Output Processing 0206-step-function-cft CloudFormation

AWS Serverless Data Lake:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0501 Serverless Data Lake Jumpstart 0501-datalake-cft CloudFormation
1. 0502 Serverless Data Day 0502-datalake-cft CloudFormation

AWS Storage Workshop:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0601 S3 Security Best Practices 0601-storage-cft CloudFormation
2. 0602 S3 Storage Performance Lab 0602-storage-cft CloudFormation
3. 0603 EFS Storage Performance Lab 0603-storage-cft CloudFormation
4. 0604 Migrating Data to AWS 0604-storage-cft CloudFormation
5. 0605 AWS Backup Lab 0605-storage-cft CloudFormation

AWS Containers Immersion Day:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0701 Containerize Monolith Application 0701-container-cft CloudFormation
2. 0702 Deploy a container using Fargate 0702-container-cft CloudFormation
3. 0703 Scale the monolith platform with ALB and ECS Service 0703-container-cft CloudFormation
4. 0704 Incrementally build and deploy microservices with AW Fargate 0704-container-cft CloudFormation
5. 0705 Launch EKS Cluster 0705-container-cft CloudFormation
6. 0706 Deploy monolith application into EKS Cluster 0706-container-cft CloudFormation
7. 0707 Incrementally build and deploy microservices with EKS and AWS Load Balancer Controller 0707-container-cft CloudFormation

ETL on EMR Immersion Workshop:

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0801 Launch EMR Cluster 0801-emr-cft CloudFormation
2. 0802 Spark-based ETL 0802-emr-cft CloudFormation
3. 0803 Hive Workshop 0803-emr-cft CloudFormation
4. 0804 Presto Workshop 0804-emr-cft CloudFormation
5. 0805 EMR Managed Scalling 0805-emr-cft CloudFormation
6. 0806 Pig Workshop 0806-emr-cft CloudFormation
7. 0807 Hudi Workshop 0807-emr-cft CloudFormation
8. 0808 Orchestrating Amazon EMR with AWS StepFunctions 0808-emr-cft CloudFormation

Redshift Immersion Day

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 0901 Getting Started with Redshift 0901-redshift-cft CloudFormation
2. 0902 Table Design and Load 0902-redshift-cft CloudFormation
3. 0903 Ongoing Load-ELT 0903-redshift-cft CloudFormation
4. 0904 Data Sharing 0904-redshift-cft CloudFormation
5. 0905 Machine Learning-Redshift ML 0905-redshift-cft CloudFormation
6. 0906 Query Data Lake-Redshift Spectrum 0906-redshift-cft CloudFormation
7. 0907 Operations 0907-redshift-cft CloudFormation

Athena Immersion Day

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 1001 Athena Basics🔥 1001-athena-cft CloudFormation
2. 1002 Athena Federation 1002-athena-cft CloudFormation
3. 1003 User Defined Functions 1003-athena-cft CloudFormation
4. 1004 Custom Data Source Connector 1004-athena-cft CloudFormation
5. 1005 Test Analysis using UDF 1005-redshift-cft CloudFormation
6. 1006 Machine Learning 1006-redshift-cft CloudFormation
7. 1007 ACID Transactions with Iceberg 1007-athena-cft CloudFormation
8. 1008 Athena Spark 1008-athena-cft CloudFormation

API Gateway Immersion Day

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 1101 API Gateway Basics🔥 1101-api-gateway-cft CloudFormation

API Gateway Tutorial

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 1111 Create a REST API with a Node.js Lambda proxy integration using SAM 1111-api-gateway-js-sam SAM
2. 1111 Create a REST API with a Python Lambda proxy integration using SAM 1111-api-gateway-py-sam SAM
3. 1111 Create a REST API with a Python Lambda proxy integration using CloudFormation 1111-api-gateway-py-cft CloudFormation
4. 1111 Create a REST API with a Node.js Lambda proxy integration using Serveless Framework 1111-api-gateway-js-sls Serverless
5. 1112 Create a REST API with a Node.js Lambda non-proxy integration using Serveless Framework 1112-api-gateway-js-sls Serverless
6. 1112 Create a REST API with a Python Lambda non-proxy integration using Serveless Framework 1112-api-gateway-py-sls Serverless
6. 1112 Create a REST API with a Python Lambda non-proxy integration using SAM 1112-api-gateway-js-sam Serverless
7. 1112 Create a REST API with a Python Lambda non-proxy integration using CloudFormation 1112-api-gateway-js-cft Serverless

Bedrock Immersion Day

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. 1201 Prompt Engineering 1201-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
2. 1202 Text Generation 1202-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
3. 1203 KnowledgeBase and RAG 1203-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
4. 1204 Model Customization 1204-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
5. 1205 Images and Multimodal 1205-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
6. 1206 Agents 1206-bedrock-cft CloudFormation
7. 1207 Open Source 1207-bedrock-cft CloudFormation

Boot Camps:

GitSecOps Minicap

Sr# Project Name Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. GitOps Minicamp GitOps Minicamp - build a fully functional GitOps pipeline to deploy AWS infrastructure using Terraform conducted by Derek Morgan and Andrew Brown. gitops-minicamp-2024-tf Terraform

DevOps 30 Days Challenge DevOpsAllStarsChallenge

Sr# Project Name Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. Wk01-Day01 Weather Dashboard using Python Lambda, S3, Secrets Manager and CloudFormation🔥 dv30w01d01-weather-dash-py-cft Terraform
2. Wk01-Day02 NBA Game Day Notification using Python Lambda, SNS, Secrets Manager and CloudFormation🔥 dv30w01d02-nba-game-notify-py-cft Terraform
3. Wk01-Day03 NBA Data Lake using Glue, S3, Athena and CloudFormation🔥 dv30w01d03-nba-datalake-py-cft Terraform
4. Wk02-Day01 NFL Game Day schedule using API Gateway, ECS, ALB and CloudFormation dv30w02d01-nba-datalake-py-cft Terraform
5. Wk02-Day02 NFL Game Highlight Processor using ECS, AWS Elemental MediaConvert and CloudFormation dv30w02d02-nba-datalake-py-cft Terraform
6. Wk02-Day04 NFL Game Highlight Processor using ECS, AWS Elemental MediaConvert and Terraform dv30w02d04-nba-datalake-py-cft Terraform

Gen-AI Projects by Lucy Wang

TechWithLucy (

Sr# Code Project Description Repository Status IaC
1. GenAI-01 Build an image labels generator using Amazon Rekognition🔥 genai-01-py-cft CloudFormation
2. GenAI-02 Develop a text narrator using Amazon Polly genai-02-py-cft CloudFormation
3. GenAI-03 Build a language translation bot using Amazon Lex genai-03-py-cft CloudFormation
4. GenAI-04 Deploy a bucket list tracker application on AWS Amplify Gen2 genai-04-py-cft CloudFormation

Terraform Private Registry Modules for AWS:

Sr# Category Service Repository Latest Release Status
1 Networking VPC-Subnets terraform-aws-vpc-subnets 1.0.0
2 Networking Security Group terraform-aws-security-group 1.0.0
3 Networking VPC Endpoint terraform-aws-vpc-endpoint 1.0.0
4 Storage S3 Bucket terraform-aws-s3 1.0.0
5 Identity and Access Management IAM Role terraform-aws-iam-role 1.0.0
6 Compute EC2 Instance terraform-aws-ec2 1.0.0
7 Analytics Glue Crawler terraform-aws-glue-crawler 1.0.0
8 Analytics Glue Database terraform-aws-glue-database 1.0.0
9 Analytics Glue Job Security Configuration terraform-aws-glue-security-configuration 1.0.0
10 Analytics Glue Job terraform-aws-glue-job 1.0.0
11 Analytics Glue Catalog Database terraform-aws-glue-database 1.0.0

CloudFormation Nested Stack Templates for AWS:

Sr# Category Service Status
1 Networking GitHub
2 Networking GitHub
3 Networking GitHub
4 Networking GitHub
5 Networking GitHub
6 Networking GitHub
7 Networking GitHub
8 Networking GitHub
9 Networking GitHub
10 Application Integration GitHub
11 Application Integration GitHub
12 Application Integration GitHub
13 Storage GitHub
14 Storage GitHub
15 Streaming GitHub
16 Streaming GitHub
17 Compute GitHub
18 Compute GitHub
19 Compute GitHub
20 Database GitHub
21 Database GitHub
22 Monitoring GitHub
23 Monitoring GitHub
24 Identity and Access Management GitHub
25 Identity and Access Management GitHub
26 Identity and Access Management GitHub
27 ETL GitHub
28 ETL GitHub
29 ETL GitHub
30 ETL GitHub
31 ETL GitHub
32 Systems Manager GitHub
33 Systems Manager GitHub
34 EventBridge GitHub
35 API Gateway GitHub
36 API Gateway GitHub
37 API Gateway GitHub
38 Analytics GitHub
39 Analytics GitHub
40 Analytics GitHub

Pinned Loading

  1. terraform-aws-template terraform-aws-template Public

    GitHub Reusable workflows for AWS with Terraform as IaC.



Showing 10 of 69 repositories
  • 1112-api-gateway-js-sls Public

    🛫 Create a REST API with a Node.js Lambda non-proxy integration using Serverless Framework

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/1112-api-gateway-js-sls’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 0 0 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • CloudFormation.Template Public template

    ✅ GitHub Repository Template for CloudFormation

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/CloudFormation.Template’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 0 1 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • Serverless.Template Public template

    ✅ GitHub Repository Template for Serverless Framework (

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/Serverless.Template’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 0 1 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • SAM.Template Public template

    ✅ GitHub Repository Template for AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/SAM.Template’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 0 1 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • .github Public

    Subhamay Bhattacharyya Profile Repository

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • 1111-api-gateway-py-cft Public

    ✅ Create a REST API with Python Lambda proxy integration using CloudFormation as IaC tool.

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/1111-api-gateway-py-cft’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 0 1 0 Updated Mar 20, 2025
  • 1111-api-gateway-js-sls Public

    🛫 Create a REST API with Node.js Lambda proxy integration using Serverless Framework ( as IaaC tool.

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/1111-api-gateway-js-sls’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 1 0 Updated Mar 17, 2025
  • 1111-api-gateway-py-sam Public

    ✅ Create a REST API with Python Lambda proxy integration using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) as IaaC tool.

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/1111-api-gateway-py-sam’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Mar 16, 2025
  • 0108-networking-cft Public

    ✅ VPC with private only subnets: Root stack template to create VPC / Private Subnets, Network ACL, Route Tables, Security Group, VPC Endpoints.

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/0108-networking-cft’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Mar 16, 2025
  • 1111-api-gateway-js-sam Public

    Create a REST API with a Node.js Lambda proxy integration and SAM.

    subhamay-bhattacharyya/1111-api-gateway-js-sam’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 1 (1 issue needs help) 0 Updated Mar 13, 2025


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