A pacman game for Data Structure and Algorithm Project Various ghosts Ele, Meep, Timid, Helper chase Pacman with the power of path finding algorithms like Depth First Search, Breadth First Search and A Star. Can you dodge all of them and collect all the points ?
Meep: Isn't the brightest, will just find a path regardless if it is the shortest, but you bet he is gonna chase you
Ele: Calm And Collected, Makes Calculated Decisions using AStar
Timid: A smart fellow, but gets easily flustered.
Helper: Cuts off the path.
- SDL2
- SDL2_image
- SDL2_mixer
- SDL2_ttf
- Clone the repo.
- Run the build.sh. Should just work
- Download SDL2,SDL2_image,SDL2_mixer,SDL2_ttf
- Extract and store in a folder
- Open
- Open project properties
- Set Project Configuration to All configuration
- Set Platform to Active(x64)
- In General for C/C++
- Set the Additional include directory to (Local Disk):(SDL directory name)\include
- Open General for Linker
- Set the Additional Library Directory to (Local Disk):(SDL directory name)\lib
- Open Input for Linker
- Set the Additional Dependencies to
- Set the Additional Dependencies to
- Now Run the project
- Main Screen
- Game Screen
P.S. Thank you Donkey Kong and Legend of Zelda for the music.