C++ PE loader library made to manual map a dynamic library into a remote process. Written in C++ and MASM.
These instructions will get you up and running. Please check the non-existent documentation if anything is still unclear.
- Knowledge of C++
git clone https://github.com/sub1to/spel64.git
- Compile
- Copy
- Pasta
spel64::load_library_ex(hProc, "Dummy.dll", &hModule, SPEL64_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
spel64::free_library_ex(hProc, hModule, SPEL64FLAG_HIJACK_THREAD);
You might need to compile the loaded library with /Zc:threadSafeInit-
to make sure static variables are not initialized
in a threadsafe manner, because TLS initialization is not implemented. MSDN
Val | Name | Description |
0 | SPEL64_R_OK | Success |
1 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_READ_FILE | Could not open the library file |
2 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_MEMORY | VirtualAlloc failed |
4 | SPEL64_R_INVALID_PE_FORMAT | Signature mismatch |
5 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_CREATE_THREAD | CreateRemoteThread failed |
6 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_WRITE_REMOTE_MEMORY | WriteProcessMemory failed |
7 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_FREE_REMOTE_MEMORY | VirtualFreeEx failed |
8 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_READ_REMOTE_MEMORY | ReadProcessMemory failed |
9 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SNAPSHOT | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed |
10 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_FIND_THREAD | Did not find a valid thread to hijack |
11 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_OPEN_THREAD | OpenThread failed |
12 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_SUSPEND_THREAD | SuspendThread failed |
13 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT | GetThreadContext failed |
14 | SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT | SetThreadContext failed |
If the response incidicates a WinAPI call failure (like SPEL64_R_FAILED_TO_WRITE_REMOTE_MEMORY) you can call GetLastError to get more details about the WinAPI error.
Flag | Description |
SPEL64FLAG_NO_PE_HEADER | Hide PE header |
SPEL64FLAG_HIJACK_THREAD | Hijack a thread to execute entrypoint |
will cause SEH not to work, because the module will not have access to the data directory inside the NT optional header.
An example injector and dummy library are included with the project.
#include "spel64.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "spel64.lib")
int main(int argc, char* argv)
HMODULE hModule;
HANDLE snapshot;
spel64::eSpelResponse response;
entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
if (Process32First(snapshot, &entry) == TRUE)
while (Process32Next(snapshot, &entry) == TRUE)
if (_stricmp(entry.szExeFile, "notepad.exe") == 0)
hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, entry.th32ProcessID);
printf_s("Loading library...\n");
response = spel64::load_library_ex(hProc, "Dummy.dll", &hModule);
if(response != spel64::SPEL64_R_OK)
printf_s("Failed to load module\n");
printf_s("Loaded library...\n");
return S_OK;
- sub1to - Initial work - sub1to
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Link to LDR
- TLS initialization