Simple script for calling the wikispeech_mockup server with sentences of a corpus file.
- Start the Wikispeech server (and all its sub-servers)
go run wsstrsstst.go attasidor.xml.bz2
You can also read sentences from a simple text file (one sentence per line):
$ go run wsstrsstst.go <text file>
The text file must have a .txt file extension.
You can get a full list of options by running
$ go run wsstrsstst.go
go run <flags> wsstrsstst.go <Text file> (one sentence per line)
go run <flags> wsstrsstst.go <Språkbanken corpus file>
- See The file can be in .bz2 or unzipped XML.
Optional flags:
-a save audio files to disk (default false)
-l string
wikispeech language tag (default "sv")
-n int
max number of sentences to synthesize (default no limit)
-u string
wikispeech url (default "http://localhost:10000")
Each 100 sentences, the server will be called with one more concurrent sentence, starting with one sentence at a time.