Releases: strongdm/strongdm-sdk-go
Releases · strongdm/strongdm-sdk-go
v0.9.29 - Expand support for rule-based routing
- Add GatewayFilter to nodes to allow for filtering gateways.
v0.9.28 - Add support for tagged routing
- Add EgressFilter to resources to allow for filtering egress nodes.
v0.9.26 - SSH Customer Key Type
- This release adds the SSH Customer Key resource type for providing a private key (directly or via a secret store) for SSH authentication.
v0.9.25 - Add endpoint to validate HTTP JWTs
- Customers may now use the API (and its rest-ful interface) to validate HTTP JWTs generated in HTTP requests.
v0.9.24 - Amazon Role ARN and External ID support
- Several resource types now support AWS Role ARNs and external ids for authentication.
v0.9.23 - Access Token Whitespace Cleanup
- Access Tokens and Secret Keys will have leading and trailing whitespace removed on client creation
v0.9.22 - Add AWS Cloud
- Adds the AWS Cloud resource type, in beta.
v0.9.21 - Add Secret Stores
- Adds Secret Stores in beta. If interested in using this feature, please contact
v0.9.20 - Upgrade to Latest Protobuf Library
- This release upgrades our protobuf library to 1.4.2.
v0.9.19 - Added SSH Certificate Authority Public Key
- Added the ability to fetch the SSH CA public key