Releases: strongdm/strongdm-sdk-go
Releases · strongdm/strongdm-sdk-go
v3.18.0 - Remote Node Maintenance Window Controls
- This release adds fields to nodes which control when nodes will be permitted to restart for updates.
v3.17.0 - Additional Resource Comments
- This release adds comments to all resource and secrets store fields lacking them.
- This release also adds new fields on Nodes to configure static routing.
v3.16.0 - Additional MySQL connection options
- This release adds two new settings to control MySQL auth modes and username formatting.
v3.15.0 - Add Microsoft SQL Server Kerberos and Azure AD resource types
- This release adds support for the Microsoft SQL Server (Kerberos) and Microsoft SQL Server (Azure AD) resource types. These resources enable authenticating with Microsoft SQL Server using Keberos (Windows Authentication) and Azure Active Directory authentication, respectively.
v3.14.2 - Correct User Agent
v3.14.1 - Add missing port override field to EKS resource types
- Amazon EKS types lacked the field necessary for proper multi-interface operation (port_override)
v3.14.0 - Add CreatedAt to AccessResources Vertical
- This release adds the "Created At" field to Access Resources, enabling one to distinguish the time a temporary account grant was created from when it first took effect.
v3.13.0 - Add port override and subdomain to cloud resources
- This release adds port override and subdomain to cloud resources
v3.12.0 - Add Capture field to Queries
- Add a new Capture field to the Query model, which includes additional information about SSH, Kubernetes and RDP queries.
v3.11.0 - Add specific support for Azure Database for MySQL
- Split Azure Database for MySQL support from the generic MySQL driver, so as to allow service specific username handling.