Contains functions for interacting with the CyberArk Identity SCIM Interface for Privileged Access Management (Self Hosted or Privilege Cloud).
import (
All functions are documented with example usage in their respective go files. General flow for usage will be:
- Obtain oauth2.token through authentication
- Provide existing Bearer token
- Use Client Credential Workflow via
- Use Resource Owner Workflow via
- Establish Service with Oauth2 Token
- Utilize Service to interact User, Group, Container, or Privileged Data functions
Function | Input | Output |
OauthCredClient |
Client Id, Client secret, Application Id, Identity URL | oauth2.token or error |
OauthResourceOwner |
Client Id, Client secret,, Application Id, Identity URL, Resource Owner Username, Resource Owner Password | oauth2.token or error |
Function | Input | Output |
NewService |
Identity URL, Identity API Endpoint, Identity API Version, Authentication Token | Service struct containing http.Client |
Function | Input | Output | PVWA 12.2+ Required |
GetUsers |
- | types.Users or error | |
GetUsersIndex |
Start Index and Count | types.Users or error | X |
GetUsersSort |
Sort By and Sord Order | types.Users or error | X |
GetUserById |
User Id | types.User or error | X |
GetUserByFilter |
Filter Type and Filter Query | types.User or error | |
AddUser |
types.User | types.User or error | X |
UpdateUser |
types.User | types.User or error | |
DeleteUser |
User Id | error |
- GetUsersByFilter: Filter Query is case sensitive
- UpdateUser: User Id must be included in the type.User struct for Update Safe permissions as the API endpoint is generated based on this info.
Function | Input | Output | PVWA 12.2+ Required |
GetGroups |
- | types.Groups or error | |
GetGroupsIndex |
Start Index and Count | types.Groups or error | X |
GetGroupsSort |
Sort By and Sord Order | types.Groups or error | X |
GetGroupById |
Group Id | types.Group or error | X |
GetGroupByFilter |
Filter Type and Filter Query | types.Group or error | |
AddGroup |
types.Group | types.Groupr or error | |
UpdateGroup |
types.Group | types.Group or error | X |
DeleteGroup |
Group Id | error |
- GetGroupsByFilter: Filter Query is case sensitive
- UpdateGroup: Group Id must be included in the type.Group struct for Update Safe permissions as the API endpoint is generated based on this info.
Function | Input | Output | PVWA 12.2+ Required |
GetSafes |
- | types.Containers or error | |
GetSafesIndex |
Start Index and Count | types.Containers or error | X |
GetSafesSort |
Sort By and Sord Order | types.Containers or error | X |
GetSafeByName |
Safe Name | types.Container or error | X |
GetSafeByFilter |
Filter Type and Filter Query | types.Container or error | |
AddSafe |
types.Container | types.Container or error | |
UpdateSafe |
types.Container | types.Container or error | X |
DeleteSafe |
Safe Name | error |
- General: Safe functions utilize Safe Name instead of Id although both fields are typically the same in the returned types.Container struct.
- GetSafeByFilter: Filter Query is case sensitive
Function | Input | Output | PVWA 12.2+ Required |
GetSafePermissions |
- | types.ContainerPermissions or error | |
GetSafePermissionsIndex |
Start Index and Count | types.ContainerPermissions or error | X |
GetSafePermissionsSort |
Sort By and Sord Order | types.ContainerPermissions or error | X |
GetSafePermissionsByName |
Safe Name and User Name | types.ContainerPermission or error | X |
GetSafePermissionsByFilter |
Filter Type and Filter Query | types.ContainerPermission or error | |
AddSafePermissions |
types.ContainerPermission | types.Container or error | X |
UpdateSafePermissions |
types.ContainerPermission | types.Container or error | |
DeleteSafePermissions |
Safe Name and User or Group Name | error |
- GetSafePermissionsByFilter: Filter Query is case sensitive
- UpdateSafePermissions: User Display Name and Safe Name must be included in the type.ContainerPermissions struct for Update Safe permissions as the API endpoint is generated based on this info.
- DeleteSafePermissions: Deletes a User or Group membership to a safe. You must provide either a User or Group Name in addition to the Safe Name.
Function | Input | Output | PVWA 12.2+ Required |
GetPrivilegedData |
- | types.PrivilegedDatas or error | |
GetPrivilegedDataIndex |
Start Index and Count | types.PrivilegedDatas or error | X |
GetPrivilegedDataSort |
Sort By and Sord Order | types.PrivilegedDatas or error | X |
GetPrivilegedDataById |
Privileged Data Id | types.PrivilegedData or error | X |
GetPrivilegedDataByFilter |
Filter Type and Filter Query | types.PrivilegedData or error | |
AddPrivilegedData |
types.PrivilegedData | types.PrivilegedData or error | X |
UpdatePrivilegedData |
types.PrivilegedData | types.PrivilegedData or error | |
ModifyPrivilegedData |
types.PrivilegedData | types.PrivilegedData or error | |
DeletePrivilegedData |
Privileged Data Id | error |
- GetPrivilegedDataByFilter: Filter Query is case sensitive
- UpdatePrivilegedData: The Privileged Data Id must be included in the types.PrivilegedData struct as the API endpoint is generated based on this info.
- ModifyPrivilegedData: The Privileged Data Id must be included in the types.PrivilegedData struct as the API endpoint is generated based on this info.
- ModifyPrivilegedData: The struct required to modify Privileged Data is uniqe in that it adds a nested Operations struct which contains the operations information (e.g. replace). Review the official CyberArk documentation for more info.
- Filter Query is typically case sensitive.
- Always include the object Id in structs when performing updates as it is frequently used in generating the API Endpoint.
- Get, Get Index, Get Sort, and Update Object by Name or ID may not work with PVWA Versions below 12.2
package main
////// Client Credentials Overview ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This example leverages a client_id and client_secret to authenticate
// to the SCIM Oauth2 Endpoint (https://<ScimUrl>/ouath2/token/<AppId>).
// If Authentication is successful a clientCredentials.Oauth2 token is returned.
// The returned Oauth2 token is then utilized to establish a Service
// based on thehttps client module to interact with the SCIM API.
import (
cybr_pam_scim ""
func main() {
// Set the file name of the configuration file
// Set the path to look for configuration file
// Enable VIPER to read Environment Variables
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error reading config file, %s", err)
// Read environment variables from config.yml and set them with type assertion
clientId, ok := viper.Get("IDENTITY.CLIENT_ID").(string)
clientSecret, ok := viper.Get("IDENTITY.CLIENT_SECRET").(string)
clientAppId, ok := viper.Get("IDENTITY.APP_ID").(string)
clientUrl, ok := viper.Get("IDENTITY.URL").(string)
// If type assert is not valid it will throw an error
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Invalid type assertion")
// Obtain an auth token with the provided credentials and endpoint parameters
// The Oauth2 Token format should be the following:
// type Token struct {
// AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
// TokenType string `json:"token_type,omitempty"`
// RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
// Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry,omitempty"`
// }
// Note: Client Credentials token does not contain a refresh token
authToken, err := cybr_pam_scim.OauthCredClient(clientId, clientSecret, clientAppId, clientUrl)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Authentication Failed. %s", err)
// Marshal the authToken for display purposes
authTokenJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(authToken, "", " ")
if err != nil {
// Print the auth Token
fmt.Printf("Auth Token JSON Response %s\n", string(authTokenJSON))
// Utilize the returned oauth2.Token to create a service that leverages the
// the https client module
s := cybr_pam_scim.NewService(clientUrl, "scim", "v2", false, authToken)
// Utilize the returned service to interact with the SCIM API
// In this example all users are being retrieved and the DisplayName of the
// first user in the struct is being displayed
Users, err := s.GetUsers(context.Background())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error Retrieving users")
// Do something with the Users struct
If there is a security concern or bug discovered, please responsibly disclose all information to joe (dot) strickland (at) cyberark (dot) com.
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