How to test Sv2 compliant software against the SRI implementation.
First thing you need to write a test that can be executed by the message generator. In order to do that read the message generator doc and look at the test example Or just ask into the discord channel Another option would be to use a test template (TODO) that will mock a particular device.
You can either test against a binary of your application or against a remote endpoint.
When the test has be written you can open a PR to this repo in order to add the test to our tests
or fork the project and add the test here
and if needed the binaries here. Then you can ran
the test with ./
. If you keep the codebase unchanged you should be able
to easly merge the updates from upstream main so that test are always against the last SRI version.
As many people may try the SRI with a sv1 mining device (MD), a MG test for the translation proxy has
been added:
You can try this test with your desired sv1 mining device in two ways.
- launching it from the test itself, editing the part of
relative to the launch of the MD. - removing the part of the test that launches the
within the SRI. Then launch the test and therefore launch separately your desired sv1 MD.
The easiest way to test various configurations is to use the SRI role implementations. For example, here is how you would configure/run a cpuminer -sv1-> Translation Proxy -sv2-> Pool role -> (Template Provider *hosted)
The Pool role should be configured to point to the hosted Template Provider. In the pool-config.toml
you should see this: tp_address = ""
The default pool-config should have appropriate
defaults set up for everything else. To run the pool role simply run:
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run -p pool -- -c roles/v2/pool/pool-config.toml
NOTE: here we are starting with debug
log level - the default is info
If the pool propely starts you should see the following log lines:
2023-01-11T21:21:14.635902Z INFO pool::lib::template_receiver: Connected to template distribution server at
2023-01-11T21:21:14.827071Z INFO pool::lib::template_receiver::setup_connection: Setup template provider connection success!
2023-01-11T21:21:14.846946Z INFO pool::lib::mining_pool: Starting up pool listener
2023-01-11T21:21:14.847238Z INFO pool::lib::mining_pool: Listening for encrypted connection on:
Once the pool role is running you can start up the Translation Proxy. The translation proxy's default configuration at
points to a locally hosted pool role. To run the translation proxy
- move to the
directorycd roles/translator
- run the translator
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run
If this successfully starts up you'll see these messages as part of the output:
2023-01-11T21:29:05.468529Z INFO translator: PC: ProxyConfig { upstream_address: "", upstream_port: 34254, upstream_authority_pubkey: "2di19GHYQnAZJmEpoUeP7C3Eg9TCcksHr23rZCC83dvUiZgiDL", downstream_address: "", downstream_port: 34255, max_supported_version: 2, min_supported_version: 2, min_extranonce2_size: 16 }
2023-01-11T21:29:05.469467Z INFO translator::upstream_sv2::upstream: PROXY SERVER - ACCEPTING FROM UPSTREAM:
2023-01-11T21:29:05.477542Z INFO translator::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Sending: SetupConnection { protocol: MiningProtocol, min_version: 2, max_version: 2, flags: 14, endpoint_host: Owned([48, 46, 48, 46, 48, 46, 48]), endpoint_port: 50, vendor: Owned([]), hardware_version: Owned([]), firmware: Owned([]), device_id: Owned([]) }
2023-01-11T21:29:05.479122Z DEBUG translator::upstream_sv2::upstream: Up: Handling SetupConnectionSuccess
Lastly you can start up a sv1 miner of your choice. We have been testing with the cpuminer. Once you have this installed
just run: ./minerd -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://localhost:34255 -q -D -P
. This will connect to the translator proxy
and speak sv1. If this is successful you should see the following output:
[2023-01-11 09:36:57] 1 miner threads started, using 'sha256d' algorithm.
[2023-01-11 09:36:57] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://localhost:34255
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 34255 (#0)
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
[2023-01-11 09:36:57] > {"id": 1, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["cpuminer/2.5.1"]}
and then eventually it will submit a share:
[2023-01-11 09:37:00] > {"method": "mining.submit", "params": ["", "2940", "0000000000000000000000000000", "63bdfe63", "c48fe801"], "id":4}
[2023-01-11 09:37:00] < {"id":"4","error":null,"result":true}
[2023-01-11 09:37:00] accepted: 1/1 (100.00%), 15333 khash/s (yay!!!)
The other configuration that can be tested is connecting an sv2 ready miner directly to the pool role. The pool role by default assumes a noise handshake but this can be bypassed for testing purposes.
Starting the pool role is the same in both tests:
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run -p pool -- -c roles/v2/pool/pool-config.toml
If you want to test using the insecure (non-encrypted) mode then start the pool with:
RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --features test_only_allow_unencrypted -p pool -- -c roles/v2/pool/pool-config.toml
NOTE: this uses the test_only_allow_unencrypted
Start up your miner pointing either at the secure port 34254
or insecure port: 34250
Do this if you'd like to run your own TP instead of connecting to the hosted TP at
- Clone and build core
- clone
- checkout AddCoinbaseOutputAdditionalSize branch
./ && ./configure --enable-template-provider
- Start and initialize bitcoind
./src/bitcoind -regtest
// this will start bitcoind in regtest mode- create at least 16 blocks with
./src/bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 16 bcrt1qttuwhmpa7a0ls5kr3ye6pjc24ng685jvdrksxx