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Chris Burbridge edited this page Jun 14, 2013 · 13 revisions

Simple install script for MORSE and ROS for STRANDS

The easiest way to install MORSE is to use the install script at here. This gets all of the necessary packages, and installs Python 3.3, Blender, and MORSE is a user directory. It also install ROS Groovy in /opt.

  1. Download the script

  2. Create a directory in home under which packages will be installed. The directory will later contain the sub-directories bin/ include/ lib/ opt/ share/ src/ tmp/, following the usual filesystem structure.

  3. Open a terminal, cd to the newly created directory and execute the install script. During install, your password will be requested to install ROS in /opt using the official packages. After all the components are installed, your directory will have a .bashrc file inside it. Sourcing this file sets the PATH etc in the shell session. The install script automatically sources this file at the end of your ~/.bashrc file.

  4. Open a new terminal and run

    morse check

This should tell you that your environment is setup correctly. :-)

The manual way


Issues and solutions

  • Cannot find a MORSE environment or simulation scene matching <strands_sim>!
  • add the path to strands_sim in ~/.morse/conf
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