Filecoin Sector Extension Service
make test
make # or make docker
Before running, ensure you set the FULLNODE_API_INFO
environment variable with the necessary permissions:
export FULLNODE_API_INFO="lotus api info" # Requires 'sign' permission
To start the service:
./extend run
--listen value specify the address to listen on (default: "")
--db value specify the database URL to use, support sqlite3, mysql, postgres, (default: "sqlite3:extend.db")
--secret value specify the secret to use for API authentication, if not set, no auth will be enabled
--max-wait value [Warning] specify the maximum time to wait for messages on chain, otherwise try to replace them, only use this if you know what you are doing (default: 0s)
--debug enable debug logging (default: false)
--help, -h show help
Get help
./extend -h
Run the service using Docker:
docker run -d --name extend \
-p 8000:8000 \
-e FULLNODE_API_INFO="lotus api info" \
-v /path/to/extend:/app \ run --listen --db /app/extend.db
Enable authentication by starting the service with the --secret
./extend run --secret yoursecret
Generate a token for API access:
./extend auth create-token --secret yoursecret --user {name} [--expiry optional_expiry_time]
# Example output
Token created successfully:
Use the token in your requests:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Changing --secret yoursecret
will invalidate all previously generated tokens.
Create a renewal request by sending a POST request to /requests
POST /requests
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
miner | f01234 | Yes | Miner ID |
from | 2024-05-12T07:34:47+00:00 | Yes | Start time of the sector expiration range in RFC3339 format |
to | 2024-05-13T07:34:47+00:00 | Yes | End time of the sector expiration range in RFC3339 format |
extension | 20160 | No | Number of epochs to extend |
new_expiration | 3212223 | No | New expiration epoch, overrides extension |
tolerance | 20160, 7 days, default value | No | Renewal tolerance for aggregation |
max_sectors | 500, default value | No | Maximum sectors per message, up to 25000 |
max_initial_pledges | 0, default value | No | Maximum cumulative pledge value allowed for sectors to be extended. If the cumulative pledge exceeds this value, the remaining sectors will not be extended. Default is no limit. |
basefee_limit | null | No | Only push messages when the network basefee is below this value, zero or null to remove the limit |
dry_run | false, default | No | If true, performs a test run without actual renewal |
"miner": "f01234",
"from": "2024-05-12T07:34:47+00:00",
"to": "2024-05-13T07:34:47+00:00",
"extension": 20160,
"new_expiration": 3212223,
"tolerance": 20160,
"max_sectors": 500,
"basefee_limit": null,
"dry_run": false
Parameter | Value | Description |
id | 11 | Request ID |
extension | 21000 | Extension height specified during creation |
from | "2024-05-12T07:34:47Z" | Start time of the sector expiration range |
to | "2024-05-13T07:34:47Z" | End time of the sector expiration range |
new_expiration | null | New expiration time specified during creation |
max_sectors | 500 | Maximum number of sectors per message |
basefee_limit | null | Only push messages when the network basefee is below this value |
max_initial_pledges | 0 | Maximum cumulative pledge value allowed for sectors to be extended. If the cumulative pledge exceeds this value, the remaining sectors will not be extended. Default is no limit. |
messages | null | Renewal messages on-chain, array |
tolerance | 20160 | Renewal tolerance specified during creation |
miner | "t017387" | Miner |
status | "failed" | Status: created , pending , failed , partfailed ,success |
took | 526.841994321 | Execution time in seconds |
confirmed_at | null | Confirmation time of the message on-chain |
dry_run | true | Indicates if it is a test run |
dry_run_result | "" | Test run result |
error | "failed to get active sector set: RPCConnectionError" | Error message |
total_sectors | 1000 | Number of sectors to be renewed |
published_sectors | 500 | Number of sectors actually published on-chain |
succeeded_sectors | 0 | Number of sectors successfully renewed |
created_at | "2024-05-11T13:39:40.74831759+08:00" | Creation time |
updated_at | "2024-05-11T13:40:16.237069667+08:00" | Update time |
"data": {
"basefee_limit": null,
"confirmed_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-05-11T13:39:40.74831759+08:00",
"dry_run": true,
"dry_run_result": "",
"error": "failed to get active sector set: RPCConnectionError",
"extension": 21000,
"tolerance": 20160,
"max_sectors": 500,
"max_initial_pledges": 0,
"from": "2024-05-12T07:34:47Z",
"id": 11,
"messages": null,
"miner": "t017387",
"new_expiration": null,
"status": "created",
"to": "2024-05-13T07:34:47Z",
"total_sectors": 0,
"published_sectors": 0,
"succeeded_sectors": 0,
"took": 526.841994321,
"updated_at": "2024-05-11T13:40:16.237069667+08:00"
Query a renewal request by its ID:
GET /requests/{:id}
The response structure is the same as the creation response.
"data": {
"basefee_limit": null,
"confirmed_at": null,
"created_at": "2024-05-13T16:44:58.208723388+08:00",
"dry_run": false,
"dry_run_result": "",
"error": "",
"extension": 21000,
"from": "2024-05-13T15:18:47+08:00",
"id": 19,
"messages": [
"miner": "f017387",
"new_expiration": null,
"max_sectors": 500,
"max_initial_pledges": 0,
"status": "pending",
"to": "2024-05-14T15:18:47+08:00",
"total_sectors": 1000,
"published_sectors": 500,
"succeeded_sectors": 0,
"took": 526.841994321,
"updated_at": "2024-05-13T16:53:55.942614308+08:00"
Accelerate a renewal request by re-estimating the gas for all messages that are still pending on-chain:
POST /requests/{:id}/speedup
Only pending requests can be accelerated. This does not guarantee the message will be on-chain. Check the request status again after a while and try multiple times if needed.
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
fee_limit | 1FIL | No | Maximum allowable gas fee; if not provided, the system estimates; |
"fee_limit": "1FIL"
"data": "success"
Update a renewal request by sending a PATCH request to /requests/{:id}
, Currently only support basefee_limit
PATCH /requests/{:id}
Only not started requests can be updated.
0 or null to remove the limit
"basefee_limit": 0
Same as the creation response.
HTTP Status Codes:
- 400: Bad Request
- 500: Internal Server Error
- 401: Unauthorized (if authentication is enabled)
"error": "msg"