This is a simple e-shop implementation in Nuxt 3. It's equivalent implementation in Storefront X can be found here.
The main difference is that Nuxt 3 implementation has all directories inside the repository root, while Storefront X implementation has everything inside one module called eshop.
- No need to import most common imports (components, vue exports, ...)
- Hard to say how will this scale
- Fully fledged GraphQL Apollo adapter
- Large bundle size (339kB without GZip)
- Partly caused by the @nuxtjs/apollo dependency
- Cmd+Click (navigate to file) does not work for auto-imported components
- Inconsistent imports
- GraphQL queries and configs have to be imported while components/composables do not
- Overriding only for components, composables, layouts, pages and server routes/middleware.
- Nuxts Apollo Adapter does no support reactivity
- Can't react to change in query variables unless the setup method is re-executed