TypeScript wrapper on top of the Ston.fi Http API
npm install @ston-fi/api
yarn add @ston-fi/api
pnpm install @ston-fi/api
Zero config required, you can just create an instance
Optional configuration are also possible by providing an object of type StonApiClientOptions
to the constructor
import { StonApiClient } from '@ston-fi/api';
const client = new StonApiClient();
// * routers
// get list of all available routers
const routers = await client.getRouters();
// get router by address
const router = await client.getRouter('EQ...');
// * assets
// get list of all DEX assets
const assets = await client.getAssets();
// get asset info by it address
const asset = await client.getAsset('EQ...');
// get list of all DEX assets based on query condition
const assets = await client.queryAssets({
condition: `${AssetTag.DefaultSymbol} | ${AssetTag.WalletHasBalance}`,
walletAddress: 'UQ...',
// search assets across of all DEX assets based on search string and query condition
const matchedAssets = await client.searchAssets({
searchString: "USD",
condition: `${AssetTag.LiquidityVeryHigh} | ${AssetTag.LiquidityHigh} | ${AssetTag.Popular}`,
walletAddress: "UQ...",
// get list of all DEX assets with balances for a given wallet
const walletAssets = await client.getWalletAssets('UQ...');
// get asset info by it address with balance for a given wallet
const walletAsset = await client.getWalletAsset({ assetAddress: 'EQ...', walletAddress: 'UQ...' });
// * pools
// get list of all DEX pools
const pools = await client.getPools();
// get list of all DEX pools based on query condition
const pools = await client.queryPools({
condition: `${AssetTag.LiquidityVeryHigh} | ${AssetTag.LiquidityHigh} | ${AssetTag.Popular}`,
walletAddress: 'UQ...',
// get list of pools with the given asset pair
const pools = await client.getPoolsByAssetPair({
asset0Address: "EQ...",
asset1Address: "EQ...",
// get pool info by it address
const pool = await client.getPool('EQ...');
// get list of all DEX pools with balances for a given wallet
const walletPools = await client.getWalletPools('UQ...');
// get pool info by it address with balance for a given wallet
const walletPool = await client.getWalletPool({ poolAddress: 'EQ...', walletAddress: 'UQ...' });
// * farms
// get list of all DEX farms
const farms = await client.getFarms();
// get farm info by it address
const farm = await client.getFarm('EQ...');
// get list of all DEX farms with balances for a given wallet
const walletFarms = await client.getWalletFarms('UQ...');
// get farm info by it address with balance for a given wallet
const walletFarm = await client.getWalletFarm({ farmAddress: 'EQ...', walletAddress: 'UQ...' });
// get list of all DEX farms for a given pool
const poolFarms = await client.getFarmsByPool('EQ...');
// * swaps
// get list of tuples with all possible swap pairs on the DEX
const pairs = await client.getSwapPairs();
// simulate direct swap between two assets (sell asset for another)
const swapDirectSimulation = await client.simulateSwap({ /** */ });
// simulate reverse swap between two assets (buy asset for another)
const swapReverseSimulation = await client.simulateReverseSwap({ /** */ });
// get swap status by it id and some additional info (e.g. wallet address, etc.)
const swapStatus = await client.getSwapStatus({ /** */ });
// * liquidity provision
// Simulate new pool creation with a ratio based on provided token amounts
const initialLiquidityProvision = await client.simulateLiquidityProvision({
provisionType: LiquidityProvisionType.Initial,
slippageTolerance: '0.001',
tokenA: 'EQ...',
tokenB: 'EQ...',
tokenAUnits: '1000',
tokenBUnits: '1000',
// Simulate adding liquidity to an existing pool at the current pool ratio
// Only one amount is required; Corresponding second amount will be calculated during the simulation
const balancedLiquidityProvision = await client.simulateLiquidityProvision({
provisionType: LiquidityProvisionType.Balanced,
poolAddress: 'EQ...',
slippageTolerance: '0.001',
tokenA: 'EQ...',
tokenB: 'EQ...',
tokenAUnits: '1000',
// Simulate adding liquidity with an arbitrary ratio based on provided token amounts
// During provisioning, your funds will be swapped to match the required pool ratio
const arbitraryLiquidityProvision = await client.simulateLiquidityProvision({
provisionType: LiquidityProvisionType.Arbitrary,
poolAddress: 'EQ...',
slippageTolerance: '0.001',
tokenA: 'EQ...',
tokenB: 'EQ...',
tokenAUnits: '1000',
tokenBUnits: '2000',
// Simulate single side adding liquidity
// Is a special case of arbitrary liquidity provision when the ratio is 100 to 0
const arbitrarySinglesideLiquidityProvision = await client.simulateLiquidityProvision({
provisionType: LiquidityProvisionType.Arbitrary,
tokenA: 'EQ...',
tokenB: 'EQ...',
poolAddress: 'EQ...',
slippageTolerance: '0.001',
tokenAUnits: '1000',
tokenBUnits: '0', // require explicit zero value
// * operations
// get list of ALL operations during specified period of time on the platform
const operations = await client.getOperations({
since: new Date('2024-08-05T12:00:00'),
until: new Date('2024-08-06T21:00:00')
// get list of operations during specified period of time for a given wallet
const operations = await client.getWalletOperations({
since: new Date('2024-06-01T12:00:00'),
until: new Date('2024-08-06T21:00:00'),
walletAddress: 'UQ...',
opType: OperationType.Swap, // optional; Only operations with the specified types. All operations if the opType is not specified