Mozc UT dictionaries are additional dictionaries for Mozc.
They need more Stars.
mozc: 1930 Stars
fcitx5: 1129 Stars
fcitx5-mozc: 82 Stars
merge-ut-dictionaries: 40 Stars
Starring a repository also shows appreciation to the repository maintainer for their work. - GitHub Docs
リポジトリに Star を付けるということは、リポジトリメンテナに対してその作業についての感謝を示すことでもあります。- GitHub Docs
mozcdic-ut.txt (generated by merge-ut-dictionaries): Combined
jawiki-latest-all-titles: CC BY-SA
- merge-ut-dictionaries updates the costs for words using jawiki-latest-all-titles.
id.def from Mozc: BSD-3-Clause
- merge-ut-dictionaries updates the ID for words using id.def.
Source code: Apache License, Version 2.0
git clone
cd merge-ut-dictionaries\src\
Comment out unnecessary UT dictionaries in make.ps1.
Default settings:
#$alt_cannadic = $true
#$edict = $true
$jawiki = $true
#$neologd = $true
$personal_names = $true
$place_names = $true
#$skk_jisyo = $true
$sudachidict = $true
If you already have the latest jawiki, put it to src/ and comment out jawiki="true"
. Do the same for other dictionaries.
Generate mozcdic-ut.txt.
Get-Content mozcdic-ut.txt >> ..\..\mozc-master\src\data\dictionary_oss\dictionary00.txt
Build Mozc as usual.
Mozc UT dictionaries contain the following dictionaries: