Using reads around the PTEN tumor suppresor gene locus (chr10:87,863,113-87,971,930 on GRCh38), the sample dataset was prepared by GATK Best Practice for RNA-Seq. The dataset contains the BAM and VCF files (not FASTQ)
To download:
curl -LO
tar -zxf sampledataset.tar.gz
RNAIndel integrates the callset from the built-in caller and that from GAKT (pre-called).
To do this, input the original BAM file (i.e., sample.bam, not the pre-processed one) and the GATK VCF file:
rnaindel PredictIndels -i sampledataset/sample.bam \ # do not use sample.gatk.bam
-o test.vcf \
-r sampledataset/chr10.fa \
-d data_dir_grch38 \
-v sampledataset/sample.gatk.vcf.gz \
The output VCF reports the expressed coding indels called from the 2 methods. Each indel is annoated in INFO field for prdicted class (somatic, germline, artifact) and by which caller it was detected (built-in, external, both). In this example, indels predicted as somatic are:
chr10 87957917 AC GGCCCATGG predicted_class=somatic;...;CALLER=both
chr10 87957955 C CCTGGGTT predicted_class=somatic;...;CALLER=both
These PTEN indels are called by the built-in and GATK HaplotypeCaller. The first indel is reported as a complex indel AC>GGCCCATGG.