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Build Qt for GitAhead

Jason Haslam edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 6 revisions

Because GitAhead uses Qt under the terms of the LGPL license, you have the right to tweak and replace the Qt libraries with your own build of Qt. We recommend starting from the gitahead branch of this fork and it's associated qtbase submodule fork to get any modifications that have not yet made their way into upstream Qt. If any of these directions are broken or unclear, please contact us at

Install dependencies (Win):

# Install Perl (e.g. Strawberry Perl or ActiveState Perl).
# Add perl.exe to PATH (if it wasn't added by the installer).

Build OpenSSL (Win):

# Get latest OpenSSL.
cd path\to\openssl
perl Configure VC-WIN64A
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak

Get Qt and submodules:

git clone
cd path/to/qt5
git checkout gitahead
git submodule init qtbase qttools # at least these submodules
git submodule update

Build Qt (Mac):

./configure -developer-build -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-openssl -securetransport -no-dbus -opensource

Build Qt (Win):

configure -developer-build -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-opengl -opensource OPENSSL_LIBS="-llibeay32 -lssleay32" -I path\to\openssl\inc32 -L path\to\openssl\out32dll

Install libraries (Mac):

# Copy frameworks and plugins from path/to/qt5/qtbase/lib into /usr/local/qt.
# These frameworks will be loaded instead of the ones inside of the GitAhead bundle.

Install libraries (Win):

# Copy DLLs from path\to\qt5\qtbase\lib in place of the ones in the GitAhead directory.