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Stickee Laravel Search Encrypted Data

This a composer module for searching encrypted data.


Quick Start

  1. composer require stickee/laravel-search-encrypted-data
  2. php artisan migrate
  3. Add the \Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Contracts\SearchableInterface interface and \Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Searchable trait to your model(s)
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Contracts\SearchableInterface;
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Searchable;

class MyModel extends Model implements SearchableInterface {
  use Searchable;
  1. Add the filters to your class, for example
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Contracts\SearchableInterface;
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Filters\Equals;
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Filters\StartsWith;
use Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Searchable;

class MyModel extends Model implements SearchableInterface {
  use Searchable;

  public $searchable = [
    [StartsWith::class, 'first_name', 4],
    [Equals::class, 'email'],
  1. Run php artisan search-encrypted-data:update-searchable <class> to update existing instances, e.g. php artisan search-encrypted-data:update-searchable "App\Models\MyModel"
  2. Use the withSearchable to search, for example
$results = MyModel::withSearchable('first_name', 'test')->where('active', true)->get();


composer require stickee/laravel-search-encrypted-data

This module ships with a Laravel service provider which will be automatically registered for Laravel 5.5+.

Manual registration

The module can be manually registered by adding this to the providers array in config/app.php:



Publish the configuration file to your project with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Stickee\\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\\ServiceProvider --tag=config

Name Type Default Description
bulk_insert_amount int 1000 The number of rows to insert at a time for bulk inserts
bulk_delete_amount int 1000 The number of rows to insert at a time for bulk deletions
default_filters_executor string \Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\FiltersExecutor::class The default filter executor class name


The search works via this process:

  1. A model defines one or more "filters" for each encrypted field that needs to be searched
  2. When a model is created or updated, each filter takes the value of the field it is associated with, canonicalises it and hashes the result (using app.key - if you change the key you will need to recreate all hashes using the supplied command)
  3. When a search is performed using the withSearchable scope, the search string undergoes the same canonicalisation and hashing process for each filter, and the hash is searched for in the database
  4. All matching models are retrieved (in whole or in part) to remove false-positives
  5. The IDs are added to a whereIn on the query

An example search would look like

$results = MyModel::withSearchable('first_name', 'test')->where('active', true)->get();

The first argument is the field name, the second is the search string.

Adding filters to a model

Filters are added as an array called "searchable" to the model, e.g.

public $searchable = [
  'first_name_starts_with' => [StartsWith::class, 'first_name', 4],
  'last_name_beginning' => [StartsWith::class, 'last_name'],
  'exact_email' => [Equals::class, 'email'],
  'custom' => [Custom::class, 'some_field', 'something', true, 123],

The array key is an arbitrary name to refer to the filter by. Each element of the array should be an array containing:

  1. The class name of the filter
  2. The field (i.e. model attribute) that the filter applies to
  3. Extra constructor parameters the filter requires (if any)

Built-in filters

The following filters are supplied in the Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Filters namespace:

  • EndsWith($length = 3)
  • EndsWithCaseSensitive($length = 3)
  • Equals
  • StartsWith($length = 3)
  • StartsWithCaseSensitive($length = 3)

Custom filters

Custom filters must implement the \Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\Contracts\FilterInterface interface.

Custom search executor

Using the default search executor, all filters on a field must pass for the instance to be considered a match. If you need different logic, e.g. "the first 3 letters or the last 3 letters", you should implement a custom search executor.

A custom executor must implement the \Stickee\LaravelSearchEncryptedData\ContractsFiltersExecutorInterface interface.

The general process for an executor will be:

  1. Generate a list of model IDs that match the filters
  2. Remove false-positives and return the list

False positives may occur because some filters work on limited substrings, e.g. StartsWith. If the length is set to 3, and you pass in "ABCDEF" as the search, then all records starting with "ABC" will be matched. Removing those that don't start "ABCDEF" must be done as a second step.

An Eloquent model can be made to use your custom executor by setting the searchableFiltersExecutor property, for example:

class MyModel extends Model implements SearchableInterface {
  use Searchable;

  public $searchableFiltersExecutor = \App\MyCustomExecutor::class;

Searching computed data

It is possible to search computed data by:

  1. If you don't already have one, define a Laravel attribute accessor method, e.g
public function getFullNameAttribute(): string
  return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;
  1. If necessary (it usually will be), override the static searchableGetColumns method to return any database columns needed to calculate the attribute, e.g.
public static function searchableGetColumns(string $field): array
  return $field === 'full_name' ? ['first_name', 'last_name'] : [$field];


Update searchable

Updates the hashes for a model (optionally for a single filter on that model)

php artisan search-encrypted-data:update-searchable "App\Models\MyModel"


Search for models

php artisan search-encrypted-data:search "App\Models\MyModel" first_name tester


The easiest way to make changes is to make the project you're importing the module in to load the module from your filesystem instead of the composer repository, like this:

  1. composer remove stickee/laravel-search-encrypted-data
  2. Edit composer.json and add
    "repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../laravel-search-encrypted-data"
    where "../laravel-search-encrypted-data" is the path to where you have this project checked out
  3. composer require stickee/laravel-search-encrypted-data

NOTE: Do not check in your composer.json like this!


Search encrypted database data






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