Presets define how the query filters results when using the where()
Presets define what query to run, they must be as atomic as possible - e.g. EQUAL_TO
, etc.
This allows the query to be defined by multiple presets and makes it clear what you want the query to find.
Example: To find all servers in a list of projects which are shutoff or errored - the queries can be:
from openstackquery import ServerQuery
q1 = ServerQuery().where(preset="ANY_IN", prop="project_id", values=["project1", "project2"])
q2 = q1.where(preset="ANY_IN", prop="status", values=["ERROR", "SHUTOFF"])
QueryPresetsGeneric has the following presets:
Aliases | Description | Extra Parameters |
any_in , in |
Finds objects which have a property matching any of a given set of values | values: List - a list of property values to compare against |
not_any_in , not_in |
Finds objects which have a property that does not match any of a given set of values | values: List - a list of property values to compare against |
equal_to , equal , == |
Finds objects which have a property matching a given value | value - a single value to compare against |
not_equal_to not_equal , != |
Finds objects which have a property that does not match a given value | value - a single value to compare against |
QueryPresetsString has the following presets:
Aliases | Description | Extra Parameters |
matches_regex , regex , match_regex |
Finds objects which have a property that matches a regex pattern | value: str - a string which can be converted into a regex pattern |
QueryPresetsInteger has the following presets:
Aliases | Description | Extra Parameters |
greater_than , > |
Finds objects which have an integer/float property greater than a threshold | value: Union[int, float] - an integer or float threshold to compare against |
less_than , < |
Finds objects which have an integer/float property less than a threshold | value: Union[int, float] - an integer or float threshold to compare against |
greater_than_or_equal_to , >= |
Finds objects which have an integer/float property greater than or equal to a threshold | value: Union[int, float] - an integer or float threshold to compare against |
less_than_or_equal_to , <= |
Finds objects which have an integer/float property less than or equal to a threshold | value: Union[int, float] - an integer or float threshold to compare against |
QueryPresetsDateTime has the following presets:
Aliases | Description | Extra Parameters |
older_than , > |
Finds objects which have an datetime property older than a given relative time threshold | see below |
younger_than , < |
Finds objects which have an datetime property younger than a given relative time threshold | see below |
older_than_or_equal_to , >= |
Finds objects which have an datetime property older than or equal to a given relative time threshold | see below |
younger_than_or_equal_to , <= |
Finds objects which have an datetime property younger than or equal to a given relative time threshold | see below |
days: int
- (Optional) relative number of days since current time to compare againsthours: int
- (Optional) relative number of hours since current time to compare againstminutes: int
- (Optional) relative number of minutes since current time to compare againstseconds: int
- (Optional) relative number of seconds since current time to compare against
NOTE: At least one parameter from above must be given with a non-zero value for the preset to work, otherwise an error is produced