- Given that the Smart Ad company is based on the principle of voluntary participation which is proven to increase brand engagement , an additional service called Brand Impact Optimiser (BIO), a lightweight questionnaire, is served with every campaign to determine the impact of the creative, the ad they design, on various upper funnel metrics.
- That said the tasks is to design a reliable hypothesis testing algorithm for the BIO service and to determine whether a recent advertising campaign resulted in a significant lift in brand awareness.
- The users that were presented with the questionnaire above were chosen according to the following rule: Control: users who have been shown a dummy ad Exposed: users who have been shown a creative, an online interactive ad, with the SmartAd brand.
- From the problem definition,we determine whether there was a significant lift in brand awareness difference between the two groups. We use the below approaches: *Metric Choice: Invariante metrics-Used this to ensure that the esperiemnt (the way we presented a change to a part of the population )is not inherently wrong. eg number of users in both groups *Evaluation metrics-metrics we expect to change and are relevant to the goals we aim to achieve eg (brand awareness) Hypothesis testing for A/B testing
- We use hypothesis testing to test the two hypotheses:
Null Hypothesis :There is no difference in brand awareness between the exposed and control groups in the current case. Alternative Hypothesis:There is a difference in brand awareness between the exposed and control groups in the current case.
- We will carry out 3 types of classification analysis to predict whether a user responds yes to brand awareness,namely: Logistic Regression Decison Trees XGboost We will then compare the different classification models to assess the best performing one(s).
- We used A/B testing to determine that there was a significant difference in brand awareness between the groups.
- Those who were exposed to a creative ad had more probability of being able to remember the brand
- Consequently,using Machine learning we determined the best features which contribute to users having more awareness on a certain brand.