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GFK Audios
Diese kostenlosen Audio-Dateien magst du dir vielleicht als Als Einstieg in die GFK anhören, z. B. jetzt gleich, bei einem Spaziergang oder auf dem Weg zur Arbeit:
Die folgende Datei ist eine Aufzeichnung einer Radiosendung mit Marshall Rosenberg: 02/2005: (30.8Mb) peace_talks_rosenberg75.mp3 (Englisch) Quelle: http://www.goodradioshows.org/peaceTalksL36.html
Hier ist eine Radiosendung vom SWR2: 05/2009 (11.4Mb) Bitte hilf mir endlich (Deutsch, Aus der Reihe Kommunikation von Kati Engelmann)
Ein GFK - Vortrag von Klaus Karstädt und Friederike Kahlau, www.k-training.de 03/2009 (12.2Mb) GFK - Vortrag - Teil 1 03/2009 (11.8Mb) GFK - Vortrag - Teil 2
Ausschnitte aus den Audio-CDs von Marshall Rosenberg gibt es auf http://www.cnvc.org:
11/2003: (641Kb) searching for everyone’s need
10/2003: ( 99Kb) jackal postal delivery
09/2003: (195Kb) how we experience needs
08/2003: (302Kb) how the past affects
07/2003: (336Kb) how Marshall sees our needs
06/2003: (509Kb) bullshit in giraffe
05/2003: (100Kb) beauty behind the judgment
04/2003: (326Kb) act self-fully
03/2003: (671Kb) needs as a gift example
02/2003: (379Kb) when your needs are heard
01/2003: ( 60Kb) what is a need?
12/2002: (232Kb) the more ugly sounding ...
11/2002: (402Kb) self full motivation
10/04/02: (183Kb) a need to Marshall
09/27/02: (263Kb) when you hear a demand
09/20/02: (508Kb) see your gift in their eyes
09/13/02: (641Kb) no but your needs matter
09/06/02: ( 99Kb) greatest menace on earth
08/09/02: (135Kb) what a request contains
08/02/02: (383Kb) do as I’ve requested only
07/28/02: ( 40Kb) to think you know what’s right
07/21/02: (231Kb) the cause of male-itis
07/14/02: ( 99Kb) never let someone say what you are
07/07/02: (378Kb) never hear a jackal’s thoughts
06/26/02: ( 86Kb) if you hear any rejection . . .
06/19/02: (281Kb) gratitude tells us . . .
06/12/02: ( 32Kb) a “no” is a need and request
06/05/02: (120Kb) a “no” is a gift
05/31/02: (110Kb) role play request example
05/24/02: (297Kb) “yes that isn’t so” detector
05/17/02: (177Kb) we have a choice
05/10/02: ( 90Kb) to think in enemy images
05/03/02: (230Kb) love as a need
04/26/02: (290Kb) need focus
04/19/02: ( 47Kb) the need behind the “no”
04/12/02: (180Kb) focus on needs
04/05/02: (167Kb) every diagnosis of others
03/29/02: (272Kb) different needs, is never
03/15/02: (282Kb) the cost of hearing rejection
03/08/02: ( 60Kb) connected at heart level
03/01/02: (187Kb) thoughts that imply wrong
02/22/02: (189Kb) strategies differ, not needs
01/04/02: (203Kb) a need contains no reference to a specific person
12/28/01: (173Kb) all humans have same needs
12/21/01: (184Kb) a hug is a mug when . . .
12/14/01: ( 69Kb) needs can be met many ways
12/07/01: (287Kb) we have choice and power
11/30/01: ( 96Kb) what you say is NOT empathy!
11/23/01: (160Kb) false needs/pseudo needs vs. the real stuff
11/16/01: (209Kb) the difference between mourning & apology
11/09/01: (221Kb) mixing up needs and preferences
11/02/01: (171Kb) we never do anything wrong
10/26/01: (207Kb) when no request is made
10/19/01: ( 47Kb) we never know what we want
10/12/01: (144Kb) most important need of all
Quelle: http://www.cnvc.org/en/what-nvc/nvc-sound-bytes/nvc-sound-bytes