TAGS: recursive-types, totality, impredicativity
In a total language, type definitions that refer to themselves must be restricted:
-- rejected by Coq
Inductive bad := r (c : bad -> nat).
-- rejected by Agda
data Bad : Set where
r : (Bad → ℕ) → Curry
Here, the type bad
is defined recursively as consisting of a
function that accepts bad
as an input. Allowing these negative
definitions leads to Curry's paradox, and breaks
The situation is more complicated if the recursive reference is underneath two function arrows:
-- also rejected by Coq
Inductive bad2 := r (c : (bad2 -> nat) -> nat).
-- also rejected by Agda
data Bad2 : Set where
r : ((Bad2 → ℕ) → ℕ) → Bad2
This is not negative recursion: bad2
is not defined in terms of
functions that accept bad2
values as an input, but in terms of
functions that may provide bad2
values to their argument. This is
said to be positive recursion (since all recursive references to bad2
occur to the left of an even number of function arrows), but not
strictly positive (wherein all recursive references occur to the
left of zero function arrows).
Recursive definitions which are positive yet not strictly positive can cause issues, as pointed out by Coquand and Paulin1. Their counterexample was translated into modern Coq by Sjöberg2, and reproduced here:
(* Counterexample by Thierry Coquand and Christine Paulin
Translated into Coq by Vilhelm Sjöberg *)
(* Phi is a positive, but not strictly positive, operator. *)
Definition Phi (a : Type) := (a -> Prop) -> Prop.
#[bypass_check(positivity = yes)]
Inductive A: Type :=
introA : Phi A -> A.
(* If we were allowed to form the inductive type A above (unsoundly bypassing
the positivity restriction), then we get an injective constructor
introA : Phi A -> A *)
Lemma introA_injective : forall p p', introA p = introA p' -> p = p'.
inversion 1; subst; reflexivity.
(* However, ... *)
(* Proposition: For any type A, there cannot be an injection
from Phi(A) to A. *)
(* For any type X, there is an injection from X to (X->Prop),
which is λx.(λy.x=y) . *)
Definition i {X:Type} : X -> (X -> Prop) :=
fun x y => x=y.
Lemma i_injective : forall X (x x' :X), i x = i x' -> x = x'.
assert (i x x = i x' x) as H1 by congruence.
compute in H1.
rewrite <- H1.
(* Hence, by composition, we get an injection f from A->Prop to A. *)
Definition f : (A->Prop) -> A
:= fun p => introA (i p).
Lemma f_injective : forall p p', f p = f p' -> p = p'.
unfold f. intros.
apply introA_injective in H. apply i_injective in H. assumption.
(* We are now back to the usual Cantor-Russel paradox. *)
(* We can define *)
Definition P0 : A -> Prop
:= fun x =>
exists (P:A->Prop), f P = x /\ ~ P x.
(* i.e., P0 x := x codes a set P such that x∉P. *)
Definition x0 := f P0.
(* We have (P0 x0) iff ~(P0 x0) *)
Lemma bad : (P0 x0) <-> ~(P0 x0).
* intros [P [H1 H2]] H.
change x0 with (f P0) in H1.
apply f_injective in H1. rewrite H1 in H2.
* intros.
exists P0. auto.
(* Hence a contradiction. *)
Theorem worse : False.
pose bad. tauto.
This counterexample uses three ingredients: non-strictly-positive
definitions, impredicativity (the ability for definitions of terms in
to quantify over all of Prop
) and a universe type (the
ability to refer to Prop
itself as a type). It appears that all
three are necessary:
The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, upon which Coq is based, is total, and has an impredicative
and a universe type forProp
, but requires all inductive definitions to be strictly positive. -
System F is impredicative, and can encode (or be extended with) non-strictly-positive inductive types while remaining total (see Berger et al.3 for an example), but lacks a universe type.
The combination of non-strictly-positive inductive types and universe types is an unusual one, but poses no theoretical problems in the absence of impredicativity. See for instance the constructions of Abel4 or Blanqui5.
Section 3.1 of "Inductively defined types", Thierry Coquand and Christine Paulin, 1988. ↩
Why must inductive types be strictly positive?, Vilhelm Sjöberg (2015) ↩
Martin Hofmann’s Case for Non-Strictly Positive Data Types, Ulrich Berger, Ralph Matthes and Anton Setzer (2018) ↩
Section 7.1 of A Semantic Analysis of Structural Recursion, Andreas Abel (1999) ↩
Inductive types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions, Frédéric Blanqui (2006) ↩