In this post, We will make functions to build sitemap.txt, sitemap.xml and image_siemap.xml for images and make them reusable.
You can use them later with thread. Then, include them inside interval to automate the process without affecting the main function. You may use it with CLI also.
- Rust Sitemap Crate
- What is image sitemap
- What is sitemap
- How to build a sitemap
- Futuers in Rust
- Thread in Rust
- futures-timer
- timers-tokio
I want you to visit them and read posts for sitemap at Steadylearner.
I will suppose that you already have experience in Rust and other programming.
- Separate functions to build sitemaps
- Use them inside fn main() with thread
- Interval and automation
- Conclusion
We will write cargo.toml first. Because we will use thread inside, we don't need other Rust bin files like we do in other post for sitemap.
# cargo.toml, write the code similar to this
# $cargo run --bin <name> will point to the path we define here
# (Replace <name> to image-sitemap for this post)
name = "main"
path = "src/bin/"
# lib is used like crate and can import and export other files in the same directory level.
name = "your_lib"
path = "src/"
Then, we will define image_stiemap_renewal function in first.
It will be similar to
extern crate diesel;
extern crate sl_lib;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::{write, File};
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, NaiveDate};
use sitemap::reader::{SiteMapEntity, SiteMapReader};
use sitemap::structs::{ChangeFreq, SiteMapEntry, UrlEntry};
use sitemap::writer::SiteMapWriter;
use sl_lib::models::*;
use sl_lib::*;
use diesel::prelude::*;
pub fn image_sitemap_renewal() -> std::io::Result<()> {
use crate::schema::images::dsl::*;
let connection = init_pool().get().unwrap();
let image_results = images
.expect("Error loading images");
"\nIt starts to write image_sitemap.xml for {} images",
let start_xml = r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:image="">
fs::write("image_sitemap.xml", &start_xml)?;
let mut result = OpenOptions::new().append(true).open("image_sitemap.xml").unwrap();
let mut image_xml = String::new();
for image in image_results {
let image_url = format!(
" <image:image>
if let Err(e) = writeln!(result, "{}{}", image_xml , r#" </url>
</urlset> "#) {
eprintln!("Couldn't write to file: {}", e);
println!("image_sitemap.xml was built. Include it to main sitemap.xml.");
Only location and name of the function are different from the previous posts.
Then, we will build sitemap_txt_renewal function that will use sitemap.xml made from sitemap_renewal function later.
fn sitemap_txt_renewal() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut urls = Vec::new();
let mut sitemaps = Vec::new();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let file = File::open("sitemap.xml").expect("Unable to open file.");
let parser = SiteMapReader::new(file);
for entity in parser {
match entity {
SiteMapEntity::Url(url_entry) => {
SiteMapEntity::SiteMap(sitemap_entry) => {
SiteMapEntity::Err(error) => {
// println!("payload = {:?}", urls[0].loc.get_url().unwrap());
let mut output = String::new();
for url in urls {
let payload = url.loc.get_url().unwrap();
println!("{}", &payload);
let payload_with_new_line = format!("{}\n", &payload);
println!("{:#?}", &output);
write("sitemap.txt", &output)?;
println!("errors = {:?}", errors);
You may use all selector * and others before you make sitemap.txt from sitemap.xml.
Lastly, our sitemap_renewal function will be similar to
pub fn sitemap_renewal(static_routes: Vec<&str>, paths_for_other_sitemaps: Vec<&str>) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Use database with Rust diesel to write sitemap.xml first
use crate::schema::posts::dsl::*;
let connection = init_pool().get().unwrap();
let post_results = posts
.expect("Error loading posts");
"\nIt starts to write sitemap.xml for {} posts",
let mut output = Vec::<u8>::new();
let sitemap_writer = SiteMapWriter::new(&mut output);
let mut urlwriter = sitemap_writer
.expect("Unable to write urlset");
let today = what_is_date_today();
let date = DateTime::from_utc(
NaiveDate::from_ymd(today.year, today.month,, 0, 0),
let home_entry = UrlEntry::builder()
urlwriter.url(home_entry).expect("Unable to write url");
for route in static_routes.iter() {
let static_url = format!("{}", route);
let url_entry = UrlEntry::builder()
urlwriter.url(url_entry).expect("Unable to write url");
for post in post_results {
let post_url = format!(
post.title.replace(" ", "-")
let url_entry = UrlEntry::builder()
urlwriter.url(url_entry).expect("Unable to write url");
// assigining value to sitemap_writer is important to make the next process work
let sitemap_writer = urlwriter.end().expect("close the urlset block");
// You may use this if you have many sitemaps.
// let mut sitemap_index_writer = sitemap_writer
// .start_sitemapindex()
// .expect("start sitemap index tag");
// for path_for_other_sitemap in paths_for_other_sitemaps {
// let entire_path_for_other_sitemap =
// format!("{}", path_for_other_sitemap);
// let sitemap_entry = SiteMapEntry::builder()
// .loc(entire_path_for_other_sitemap)
// .lastmod(date)
// .build()
// .expect("valid");
// sitemap_index_writer
// .sitemap(sitemap_entry)
// .expect("Can't write the file");
// }
// sitemap_index_writer.end().expect("close sitemap block");
write("sitemap.xml"::, &output)?;
Its purposes are
- build sitemap.xml from static routes and the datas from the database
- link another sitemap such as image_sitemap.xml we built before
- and make sitemap.txt from sitemap.xml
If you read the code snippets from the previous post for sitemap, we removed almost all println! to show results at console.
You may not need them when what you want is automation and already know what the code snippets do here.
We organized all our codes into separate functions. They became reusable and can be used everywhere.
We made functions to build sitemaps. We will call them inside to make them build whenever we run our website.
You won't want it to affect the main process, so you may separate it inside another thread.
For that, should be similar to this.
use std::thread;
mod sitemap_renew;
use crate::sitemap_renew::{sitemap_renewal, image_sitemap_renewal};
fn main() {
.name("Build sitemap automatically with Rust".into())
.spawn(|| {
let static_paths = vec![
let other_sitemaps = vec!["image_sitemap.xml"];
sitemap_renewal(static_paths, other_sitemaps)
// your_website();
We invested our time to modulize our work to build sitemap and became simpler with thread.
You can test it with $cargo run bin --main and you will see files similar to sitemap.xml, txt sitemap and image sitemap for Steadylearner.
If you want to automate the process, you may use Interval API from futures-timer, timers-tokio etc.
I had working code with futures-timer similar to
extern crate futures;
extern crate futures_timer;
use std::time::Duration;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures_timer::Interval;
mod sitemap_renew;
use crate::sitemap_renew::{sitemap_renewal, image_sitemap_renewal};
fn main() {
.name("Build sitemap automatically with Rust".into())
.spawn(|| {
// { day: 86400, week: 604800, month: 2592000, }
.for_each(|()| {
let static_paths = vec![
let other_sitemaps = vec!["image_sitemap.xml"];
sitemap_renewal(static_paths, other_sitemaps)
// your_website(); // It is arbitary name, don't give it importance.
Its API was rewritten with the introduction of async in Rust and seem to be not working anymore.
However, You may refer to the code snippet above and their documentations for your project.
With tokio, your main code would be similar to
extern crate tokio;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use tokio::timer::Interval;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::threa
fn main() {
.name("Build sitemap automatically with Rust".into())
.spawn(|| {
// { day: 86400, week: 604800, month: 2592000, }
let task = Interval::new(Instant::now(), Duration::from_secs(604800))
.for_each(|instant| {
println!("fire; instant={:?}", instant);
image_sitemap_renewal().expect("Error while making sitemap.xml for images");
let static_paths = vec!["about", "video", "blog", "code", "image", "slideshow"];
let other_sitemaps = vec!["image_sitemap.xml"];
sitemap_renewal(static_paths, other_sitemaps);
.map_err(|e| panic!("interval errored; err={:?}", e));
// your_website();
When you run it with $cargo run --bin main, it will show log similar to this
fire; instant=Instant
errors = []
or more with interval seconds you define.
The thread Rust API here is optional. It will work without it.
The latest code for sitemap can be found at Steadylearner Sitemap repository. It is the end of the posts for sitemap with Rust.
Thanks and please share this post with others.