All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Option to name downloaded file after answer (12c3ee7)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Marine Le Poney
- Simplify release procedure slightly (aa78ea3)
- Remove commitlint git hook for now (2249858)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Fix out of date show config (0d02f483)
- Update deps (1a2b0381)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Marine Le Poney
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Add April Fools color changing effect (8876c84a)
- Make episode links less visible in light mode (542df578)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Fix episode URL styles in dark mode (954a286f)
- Update deps (d2a2be15)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Fix light scrollbar in dark mode (40fff28b)
- Really upgrade nuxt-security (4dcd1acf)
- Steady Gaze (@steadygaze)
- Add dark mode and themeing infra (d2cdd2b8)
- Fix Polish translation (#4)
- Fix saving audio on Firefox (bb56f460)
- Fix saved frame filename (7990a0f4)
- Add check to prevent blindly growing queue (207799f5)
- Revert vue-tsc to old version (0f976281)
- Load prettier sort plugin (06fd90c5)
- Add procedure for releasing a new version (c790c637)
- Upgrade dev dependencies (9f6051db)
- Migrate to husky v9 (b6f0304f)
- Upgrade Nuxt, nuxt-security, and more (75d3d006)
- release: V0.2.0 (4703afc0)
- Steady Gaze
- GPH-28
- Fix real time/guess time inconsistencies (f57d046)
- Add tests for timer text generation (37822d9)
- Steady Gaze
- Fix writing incorrect answer data to runs (6e813bc)
- Refer to resources instead of frames (854d8f9)
- Size pane with rem (by text size) (4c4a3ee)
- Upgrade nuxt-security to latest (a20fb92)
- Steady Gaze
- Retain kind on serving (d12d6f5)
- Fix rare duped resource ID race condition (2f8c755)
- Fix float volume display issue (2f3e652)
- Fix audio player drawing over modals (1db3146)
- Convert resource IDs to a set in cleanup (bce4c39)
- Steady Gaze
migration guide:
- Back up the
directory. - Either run
rm -r ./frame-randomizer
(the easy way) or runmv ./frame-randomizer/frames ./frame-randomizer/resouces
or set resourceOutputDir to./frame-randomizer/frames
andmv ./frame-randomizer/frame-state ./frame-randomizer/resource-state
(the hard way). - If you're setting them in environment variables or code, rename the options
(and make it out of 256 instead of 65536). - Tell users to refresh the page if they were using it when the server upgraded before they continue.
- Store server logs (dfb7194)
- Add option to include subtitles in frame (b3d68b2)
- Add audio mode (1f64aec)
- Add audio settings (1e80761)
- Disallow changing game mode during a run (7e5229f)
- Set per-kind minimums to pregenerate (eff44e2)
- Allow injecting audio encoding options (d70b821)
- Include kind in verified run data (1bc62c7)
- Shorten downloaded file names (de5edb0)
- Fix message for run verification error (68a69d8)
- Show one column results on desktop (469d665)
- Fix cleanup of old version files without kind (f6e3f99)
- Distinguish frame/audio in verifier text (c6fcbf9)
- Remove extra spaces from translations (d2ee9b9)
- Add helper for getting app data path (33b2fe2)
- Use named export for logger (a75cd75)
⚠️ Rename frame options to reflect usage (fc9e09d)- Refactor out queue top-up helpers (6de3496)
⚠️ Restructure/rename API endpoints (0b9d9ad)⚠️ Use camelcase param cleanupId (2b58529)⚠️ Rename resource options for consistency (04e0c1c)
- Add doc for subtitle options (0bb1ada)
⚠️ Rename frame options to reflect usage (fc9e09d)⚠️ Restructure/rename API endpoints (0b9d9ad)⚠️ Use camelcase param cleanupId (2b58529)⚠️ Rename resource options for consistency (04e0c1c)
- Steady Gaze
- Add fuzzy search settings (0da658d)
- Add original language name search (7c063dc)
- Fix possible bug with number display (eb7df35)
⚠️ Rename "default" language to original (34e791d)
- Add repo to package.json (6b9e7f9)
- Upgrade deps (9ed6320)
⚠️ Rename "default" language to original (34e791d)
- DayBreakerBrony
- Steady Gaze
- Fix skip button not disabled while loading (a148a11)
- Fix modals being oversized on mobile (f4a27e4)
- Shift run id slightly (d69e52a)
- Upgrade deps (9e1eb16)
- Steady Gaze
- Add raster favicon setup at various sizes (bc972d1)
- Include frame assignment latency in run data (b4346a6)
- Include server-side version too (f7cd6aa)
- Include seek time in run data (8479dc4)
- Separate assignment/start timestamps (29bca24)
- Focus the "New Frame" button on run start (09038da)
- Add settings and object-fit setting (60a7f4c)
- Add additional real time timers (d8038e0)
- Use clearer labels for run verification UI (c1c50d4)
- Show part of run id in UI (d7278a3)
- Translate settings button label (625afd7)
- Enable lazy language loading (77d3e74)
- Support switching languages during a run (f890d8c)
- Remove obsolete storage init code (13919eb)
- Document favicon setup (fbfac2b)
- Add hosting tips to README (ee08e26)
- Add pre-push hook (589e8fe)
- Upgrade dependencies (c58e022)
- Steady Gaze
- Set image content-type separately (c027612)
- Stop double-triggering of answer submission (f9ef6e4)
- Fix save button on Firefox (996ea8b)
- Upgrade to Nuxt 3.6.2 (5daede3)
- Steady Gaze
- Fix reset button behavior with run tracking (a1d2d52)
- Fix lint errors (319a762)
- Steady Gaze
- Stop deleting answer/image when tabbing away (6142732)
- Steady Gaze
- Add basic run verification (768e385)
- Add cryptographic signing of results (b7767fd)
- Fix wrong file extension on right click/save (3e1a37c)
- Also clean up answer on exit (d61d64f)
- Rename imageId to frameId (1e79d50)
- Steady Gaze
- Fix save button by tweaking image lifetimes (34d97a4)
- Warn if image is likely expired when saving (ca984f3)
- Fix Ctrl-u shortcut being used by browser (06bddf7)
- Ignore ./frame-randomizer dir (48972dc)
- Update dependencies (4aa6911)
- Steady Gaze
- Show number shortcut modifier by browser (da8521f)
- Make Ctrl + u clear the search input (f688cf1)
- Load frames and answers from prior runs (1f652ca)
- Make show data config downloadable in About (8181608)
- Fix save button not expanding to full width (6a51464)
- Make mod input momentarily highlight entry (72e37df)
- Fix language fallback behavior (2333fa0)
- Simplify datastore names (58e56eb)
- Update README with new config format (14b5366)
- Stop running tsc separately (092b824)
- Remove tsc from precommit hook (ebe564e)
- Update to Nuxt 3.6.1 (58c3627)
- Update misc deps (f2622bf)
- Steady Gaze
- Add human translation for zh by Cosmia Nebula (015182c)
- Remove errant $ from text (7670736)
- Use length exception for zh in About (9771b49)
- Steady Gaze
- Add episode button functions (2b5c481)
- Add explicit save button (14d1ca7)
- Add Polish translation by a human (#1)
- Fix missing i18n substitutions (4ef7cad)
- Fix typing for runtime config (38c3f54)
- Sort translation keys recursively (9ec929b)
- Move deps out of devDependencies (285bdfb)
- Steady Gaze
- Krzysztof-WW
- Add Polish translations (51ac5d1)
- Improve German translations (0d18b7b)
- Update dependencies (bd73b53)
- Steady Gaze
- Include frame path in initial SSR result (c8bf5f2)
- Support multi-language show data input (a36061d)
- Add a defaultLanguage option (e7c8b96)
- Add frontend i18n support (d21bdae)
- Add ability to show TMDB link given ID (6c921f4)
- Add German, French, Russian, and Chinese (526f22b)
- Add permissive robots.txt (515945f)
- Add translated reactive name and description (849f7ec)
- Make video file extension configurable (d1b2bed)
- Generate a link to an episode from template (58d64ad)
- Add localized instance info option (fdb80cb)
- Allow caching of show data (4e42895)
- Tweak language select/input spacing (610ed58)
- Exempt Chinese from match length requirement (01945e0)
- Remove errant spaces from German (9d77cba)
- Change to ESM module loading by default (867160c)
- Move to multi-page app (d290a7f)
- Use easier URL parsing helpers (dc7194b)
- Rename overview to synopsis on frontend (7abe7bb)
- Change default base path to pwd (88736d2)
- Upgrade from nuxt 3.4.3 to 3.5.2 (6c6f0dc)
- Add json key sort format check (ab52609)
- Upgrade to Nuxt 3.5.3 (6109cc7)
- Upgrade miscellaneous deps (7fb82f1)
- Stop checking keys to fix prerender (2b434f2)
- Stop using standard-version for changelogs (bcb7b03)
- Steady Gaze
0.0.8 (2023-06-01)
- add icons for buttons and tweak styling (8a6a5a2)
- make correct/incorrect status more visible (63cadf2)
0.0.7 (2023-05-30)
- fix timer updates when stats are hidden (07c3eb7)
0.0.6 (2023-05-29)
- add new timer types (guessing, question) (aec87b7)
- fix incorrect timer minutes/hours (ed0175f)
0.0.5 (2023-05-29)
- add ffprobe cache for fast server restarts (d2d2b22)
- add client-side image load error handling (42c23b7)
- add server side error logging (dd9441f)
- add server-side frame gen error handling (b4d6c4c)
- fix cleaning up reserved but unexpired frames (f70d2c3)
0.0.4 (2023-05-28)
- add a dedicated skip button (c2c2647)
- add network error message (e08d24c)
- add streak and RTA timers (2a08466)
- set up client caching for generated frames (672e0fb)
- show tens place in timer (e63d00c)
- support for sXXeXX and XXxXX searches (a96431d)
- support specifying credits with endOffset (565e6d7)
- update instructions for new features (0ae7c9d)
- add image generation error handling (2da3336)
- allow Cloudflare analytics through CORS (084038c)
- autoscroll to selected when using arrow keys (899625c)
- omit show name if undefined (40f6545)
- remove Ctrl-0 binding (cd97dde)
0.0.3 (2023-05-21)
- fix image rejection and reselection (047ce01)
0.0.2 (2023-05-20)
- format instructions as list (3badb38)
- make fuzzy search options configurable (c635005)
- skip black frames and single colors (7740237)
- always show scrollbar to avoid visual noise (51c55e7)
- disable autocomplete on search input (2226167)
- add a bunch of logic to generate skip ranges (3570c6c)
- add a replay timing option (4bb721b)
- add ability to limit initial ffprobes (77c38d0)
- add an about/instructions modal (47062fb)
- add answer submission draft implementation (522788f)
- add automated cleanup and image expiration (57bb824)
- add automatic file to episode mapping (d00ba09)
- add basic correct/total counter (86a8bf9)
- add checks for required options (5e43661)
- add emoji favicon and noscript message (9ffed05)
- add error case for 429 request limit (16061db)
- add Fuse search and image side-by-side (4087dad)
- add hacky API prototype (38de4ac)
- add helper to chunk match indices together (2213641)
- add image pregeneration (fd097fa)
- add initial example input component (4a32fe8)
- add more CSS layout improvements (60ffbba)
- add more info to readout for skipped case (0e5aec8)
- add nuxt security plugin (0a768e9)
- add option for custom path to ffmpeg (5af9855)
- add options injection in ffmpeg command (05025ff)
- add prototype timing spec type (3b67fc0)
- add stats reset button (197c122)
- add TMDB attribution option to AboutModal (763f3f8)
- add version, description options (08b0bdc)
- add WIP reading of episode time ranges (22cb128)
- add WIP timing implementation (51a0f9b)
- add working skipping of intro/credits (0c05ce0)
- cap number of image generation jobs (274b973)
- change entries to episodes in config (e283f0c)
- change layout depending on aspect ratio (7f1c6aa)
- change terminology from "image" to "frame" (ca47b30)
- clean up CSS input pane vertical sizing (737000c)
- clear storage on restart (c70abc8)
- configure rate limit via env param (a158eaa)
- connect new episode listing endpoint to Vue (bf1a70f)
- disable reset while in guessing state (60c6a23)
- experiment with sending show data over API (aeb9a57)
- give readout a semi-constant size (9071228)
- handle input mouseover and tweak colors (9762c46)
- handle server init and errors (590815e)
- implement initial image getting API (f8090e7)
- improve local guessing output (1ac98a6)
- improve missing file warnings (334e3b5)
- include alt text for TMDB logo (1a97376)
- link the AGPL on (ebbd900)
- log time taken for initial load (cd14b3c)
- move initial image pregen to init time (d6b3247)
- note 3+ char requirement in placeholder (c355615)
- ping server to clean up image after loading (848d8c9)
- read TV show name from config (850075b)
- say that frame is random in help text (d45f08d)
- separate answer and frame state storage (ea16a47)
- support shallow searching for video files (3479413)
- support up/down selection in guess input (0f17be5)
- switch to webp output (b0a0ed2)
- tweak About content and formatting (bb42158)
- tweak expiry log (5f47238)
- use .png/.jpg image extension for API images (ddb0b09)
- use final image load event (66e86bc)
- clean up event handlers and CSS (50cc72d)
- clean up input search box styles (16e225c)
- clean up runtime configs and fix title (4cd1513)
- fix bug that skipped special error readouts (f40194b)
- fix command if there are multiple spaces (e7a6a93)
- fix ffmpeg warning in command (749252b)
- fix Nuxt 3 warning about runtimeConfig access (3edf4a0)
- fix search box overflowing pane when small (05410df)
- fix source code URL mismatch (c11626b)
- fix spinner and group buttons (ff6c076)
- make rate limit more generous (4c3a2bc)
- remove unneeded debug log (9bb9294)
- reset UI in error cases (b07695d)
- shell escape filenames (c65fdba)
- stop logging cleanup start (9044e3d)
- switch to defineLazyEventHandler and uuid v5 (c1fe8e1)
- tweak pregen default (7f72bcf)