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煮豆黑体,Noto 风格中日韩标点符号字体。A font family for CJK symbols and punctuation, derived from Noto Sans.
SHSans-derived CJK font family with a more concise & modern look. 未来荧黑·未來熒黑·ヒカリ角ゴ:基于思源黑体改造,拥有粗度和宽度系列,更加简明现代的超大字体家族。
Sarasa Gothic / 更纱黑体 / 更紗黑體 / 更紗ゴシック / 사라사 고딕
Microsoft Yahei UI Regular & Apple Monaco Hybrid. 微软雅黑和 Monaco 字体混合版【禁止他用】
A Magisk module template to systemlessly replace system fonts. Supports CJK Fonts. 用于制作字体模块的 Magisk 模块模板,支持中日韩字体的替换。
A Magisk module template to systemlessly replace system fonts. Supports CJK Fonts. 用于制作字体模块的 Magisk 模块模板,支持中日韩字体的替换。
句读黑体,商用免费的多文种混排字体。Judou Sans is a multilingual open-source typeface.
This is a fun, new monospaced font that includes programming ligatures and is designed to enhance the modern look and feel of the Windows Terminal.
Twitter Unicode emoji color OpenType-SVG font for Linux/MacOS/Windows
[Unmaintained] Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji
Customized version of Apple's Menlo font. Great monospaced font for development work. Should also work with the Windows Console (see Wiki for Windows infos).
A Chinese sans-serif font derived from IPAex Gothic. 一款衍生于「IPAexゴシック」的中文黑体字型。
A monospaced programming font inspired by the Minecraft typeface