EzDiscordBot is the free, private bot for your server!
- NodeJS
- A Discord Bot (create it here)
- Activate the Developer Mode in Discord Settings.
- Activate the Developer Mode
- Right click on the Channel / Role and click "Copy ID"
- Create an application on the Discord Developer Portal, copy your token and paste it somewhere safe.
- Go to your Application -> OAuth2 -> Check "bot", "applications.commands" in the first box. and then "Administrator" in the second box.
- Copy your link and invite your Bot to your server.
- Create some channels now. Create a Welcome Channel and a Modlogs channel.
- Create two roles, a Staff Role, and an Admin Role. These roles are used to check if a user has the permission to use the commands. For example, mute and unmute commands can be used by Staff but ban and kick commands can be used only by Admins.
- Download the zip file, and unzip it. Navigate into the src folder and open "config.json".
- Here, you need to paste in your token, and replace all that it's in the quotes. You also need to put your channel IDs and role IDs.
- Once you're done, it will look something like this.
- If you want, you can even change the embeds' color by changing the defaultColor value to a hex color.
- Copy your Server's ID by right clicking on your Server's icon.
- Open the index.js file and replace the 'devGuildID' in line 32 with your Server's ID.
- Open a Command Prompt in the Bot's Folder.
- Download the dependencies by running
npm install
. - Keep the bot running with
node src/index.js
You can even expand the bot by yourself and put commands that are not there.
Read the CommandKit Docs and you can use the src/templateCommand.js
file, paste it into the commands folder and start making a new command.
Star the repo to keep my work going!
Don't remove the credits in the code because they support me by making more people find out about my code.