On Ubuntu 20.04, install the following packages required by CRIU. If you are using a different OS, please follow this link: packages needed by CRIU.
❯ sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev libprotobuf-c-dev protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python-protobuf libnl-3-dev libcap-dev libaio-dev libcap-dev python-ipaddress
You also need to install the following python modules required by DynaCut:
❯ pip2 install capstone pyelftools==0.29
Once you installed all the required packages, build the CRIU with:
❯ make -C criu
LINK lib/c/libcriu.so
LINK lib/c/libcriu.a
GEN lib/py/images/magic.py
Download DynamoRIO and unzip the tar ball to the DynaCut
root directory.
❯ wget https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/releases/download/release_8.0.0-1/DynamoRIO-Linux-8.0.0-1.tar.gz
❯ tar xvf DynamoRIO-Linux-8.0.0-1.tar.gz
❯ ls
tests tools criu DynamoRIO-Linux-8.0.0-1 ...
Follow instructions here to build and run DynaCut inside a Ubuntu 20 docker container DynaCut docker