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ICF Tool Scripts

Adam Crain edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

There are a couple of shell scripts in the 'script' directory that invoke the ICF tool to produce test artifacts.

Running the *" script, outputs the following artifacts:


  • authority.priv.icf - The private ed25519 key file for the authority
  • - The public ed25519 key file for the authority
  • authority.cert.icf - A self-signed authority certificate that contains the public key.


  • responder.priv.icf - The private x25519 key for the responder
  • - The public x25519 key for the responder
  • responder.cert.icf - The certificate containing the repsonder's public key, signed by the authority private key.


  • initiator.priv.icf - The private x25519 key for the initiator
  • - The public x25519 key for the initiator
  • initiator.cert.icf - The certificate containing the initiator's public key, signed by the authority private key.
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