It is a framework based on Java, Gradle, Junit5, Selenide
Allure reporting is onboard
- PageObject pattern
- Selenide style Pageobjects (logic inside)
- One class (Goto) as PageObjects library
- 1 File with test = 1 test
- testcases are childs of testSuites
- Less methods in Test classes
- Data for test is stored in the special class
- Parallel execution is a default (except Safari)
- Safari, Chrome, Firefox are always onboard
- More descriptions and attachs to the report
- MacOs or Linux
- Gradle 7.3.1 at least
- Allure (the latest preferably)
- allure should be in $PATH
- Java 17
- Chrome and Firefox (or at least one of them)
- Some luck
You can try to downgrade Java or gradle for the project. But no promises.
git clone
cd selenideFramework
Yea. That's it.
gradle clean chrome
gradle clean firefox
gradle clean safari
//or to start chrome and firefox
gradle clean chromeFox
//or to start everything
gradle clean test
Note! clean is necessary to generate a fresh report. But it vanishes all the old reports
Note! reports are generated separately for each browser for the Greater Good
gradle chromeAllure
gradle firefoxAllure
gradle safariAllure
If something went terribly wrong (tests deleted the Universe, or run was without "clean") last report could be viewed as
gradle allureServe
Well, I hope.
I am really happy that you are reading this line ;)