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3. Create or edit a questionnaire

Sean-Stilwell edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 5 revisions

Create or edit a questionnaire

You may wish to create a version of the questionnaire adapted to your unit's needs in terms of DMPs or experiment with the creation of questionnaires for other uses beyond DMPs.

Instruction for DMProadmap

If you haven't already, follow the steps in part 2 to create an account. The system automatically grants the needed permissions once per day, so it's good to do this at least a day before you want to start working.

Create a questionnaire

  1. Navigate to the new template page. You'll see the following screen:

new template page

  1. Add a title in the field highlighted above. Add a description if desired. Both can be changed later if needed. When done, click "Save" and arrive at the following page:

new template page 2

  1. Continue on to the "Edit a questionnaire" steps, as the steps are the same.

Edit a questionnaire

  1. Select "Add a new phase" in the bar under your title. You'll arrive at the following screen:

adding a phase screen

  • Title - The title of your phase. If you only use one, keep this generic. If you want to have multiple phases for different portions of the project, you can also use a name for that.
  • Order of display - This is the order a user will see your phases while completing the plan. 1 will appear first, followed by 2, 3, etc.
  • Description - Optional, give a description for this phase of the questionnaire.
  1. Upon completion, click "Save" and you'll arrive you at the following screen:

adding a section button on phase screen

  1. Click the "Add a new section" button. The following menu will open:

add a section menu

  1. Add a descriptive title and description, then click save. The section will then be added, as seen here:

add question button

  1. To add your first question, click the "Add Question" button shown above. The following fields will be available:
  • Question Number - Questions will appear based on this number. 1 appears 1st, 2 appears 2nd, etc.
  • Question text - The question you'd like to ask.
  • Answer format - A drop down with each format you can ask questions in:
    • Text field - A short form text answer
    • Text area - A long form text answer
    • Radio buttons - Multiple choice, only one answer allowed.
    • Dropdown - Multiple choice, only one answer allowed.
    • Date - Gives the user the opportunity to select a date.
    • Checkbox - Multiple choice, but multiple answers can be chosen.
  • Default answer (for text field or area) - The answer that will appear by default.
  • Example answer - An example response that will be shown to the user.
  • Guidance - Advice that the user will find interesting.
  • Themes - Topics that this question relates to.

For multiple choice questions, there are additional steps below that you can follow.

  1. When done adding your question, click "Save". For the example questionnaire, we've added two questions:


  1. While working, you should sometimes preview your questionnaire by clicking "Preview" at the top. This lets you verify that your questions are formatted correctly, as seen below:


Checkbox, Dropdown, or Radio Buttons

  1. Select the preferred format. The following will appear (replacing the Default answer field for text):

multiple choice answers

  1. Under Text, add the options you'd like to allow. If more are needed, click the "Add option" button.

  2. If you want a default answer, select which one(s) you'd like to use.

  3. Fill out any other desired fields, then click "Save".

Note: For multiple choice type questions, you can also add conditionals that can hide or show questions based on user responses based on their choice.

Conditional Questions

Conditional questions can be made that only appear when a user has given certain answers before. In our example, we have the following questions:

  1. What is your favourite colour? - with red, blue, pink, and green as possible answers.
  2. Why did you choose that colour? - a text field to explain your answer.

Let's suppose we only want to ask question 2 if the user chose "red" or "green". We can do this by following these steps:

  1. Select "Edit" beside the question that will toggle another one. In our case, that's question 1.

edit button for question

  1. Under your answers, click "Add Conditions", as shown below:

add conditions button

  1. In the small menu that appears, click "Add condition again". The following menu appears:

add conditions menu

The following answers have to be given:

  • Option - What option will remove a question? In our case, we want question 2 hidden if someone chooses "blue" or "pink".
  • Action - Normally leave this as "removes". The other option allows you to send an email when an option is picked.
  • Remove - What questions will get removed? In our case, we want question 2 to be hidden. Note that you can add more than one.

For our case, this is what our conditions look like:

add conditions menu completed

  1. Select "Save" at the bottom of the question menu.

Publishing your template

  1. When you're satisfied with your template, you can publish it for others to use. Navigate to the top of the page and click "View all templates":

view all templates button

  1. You'll see a list of templates. Click "Actions" beside the one you want to publish, then click "Publish".

publish button

  1. If you want the template to be usable by everyone on the platform, you can also navigate to Template details and unselect for internal use only as shown below:
    • Note: If this is unchecked, anyone on the DMPRoadmap POC can use your template.

public visibility