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2. Instructions for DMPRoadmap POC Participants

Sean-Stilwell edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

DMPRoadmap Tool for Data Management Plans: Instructions for proof of concept users

Notes on proof of concept status

  • Only non sensitive data (not protected and not required for operational needs)

A video walkthrough will be created in the near future

  1. Read/skim through the comparison form 1.
  2. Choose a project for which you will create a DMP: this may include a project for which a DMP already exists or for future project, for a departmental dataset, etc.
  3. Create an account or log in to the GC prototype instance of the DMPRoadmap tool, as shown below by using the following information.. NOTE: Do this as early as possible, permissions are only granted daily for this proof of concept
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. Organization - All GC Departments have been added. You can create a new one by entering an organization that doesn't exist in the tool yet.
    5. Password
    6. Accept the terms and conditions, then create an account. image showing how to log in
  4. You should then arrive at the following screen, if your information is valid: welcome screen for dmproadmap
  5. To create a plan, follow one of the following 2 methods:
    1. Method 1
      1. Click "Create plan", as indicated in the above image. You will arrive at the following screen: welcome screen for dmproadmap
      2. The research project's name under "What research project are you planning?". You should also check "mock project for testing, practice, or educational purposes" if your objective is to test the tool.
      3. The primary research organization, if desired. Otherwise, check the "No research organisation associated with this plan or my research organisation is not listed" option.
      4. The primary funding organization, if desired. Otherwise, check the "No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed"
      5. Click "Create plan" when finished. By default, it uses the GC maDMP template. You'll arrive at the following page: dmp form NOTE: There is a known issue where you'll receive the message "Unable to find a suitable template for the research organisation and funder you selected". If this occurs, follow Method 2.
    2. Method 2
      1. Under References, click DMP Templates, then click the + icon beside your preferred DMP template, as shown below: method 2
  6. Fill out this form if desired. Select the tabs above in any order.
    • Contributors allows you to add other users that will contribute to your plan.
    • Plan overview gives an overview of the questions in the plan.
    • Write Plan allows you to complete the questionnaire. See the following instructions for more.
    • Share allows you to set the visibility of your plan and invite other collaborators.
    • Download allows you to download your questionnaire as a PDF, CSV, JSON, text, DOCX, or HTML file. It also includes options to customize such a download.
  7. Navigate to the Write Plan tab. You will arrive at the questionnaire. If you are using the maDMP template through Shared Services Canada, it will appear as follows: dmp questionnaire
  8. Answer the questionnaire. Answering the GC maDMP should take TODO time.
    • Optional: Discuss questions and answers with others using the comments tab to the right of a question. This will allow you to explain answers further.
  9. Upon completing, navigate to the Download tab. Export versions of your questionnaire as desired to demonstrate its functionality. A sample export as a .txt file is shown below: exported plan as text file
  10. Finalize your survey responses at: TODO