A collection of sound and midi applications
This repository is a repository for various sound and art projects. The main projects are:
- Soundspace: Control application for sound art installations (input, output, sensor, logic, etc.)
- PressureMagi: Control application for a specific art installation with MIDI-controlled water pumps
- MidiMagi: Utility application for generating MIDI files to PressureMagi
- SoundServerAPI: API for a soundserver in an Augmented reality project
In addition there are a few support libraries (MS Windows based):
- sspUtility: Timers events, synchronization
- sspMidiLib: Midi handling, including Midi File read/write (MME based)
- sspAudioLib: Reading audio files using libsndfile (wrapper)
The projects are found under \source. The solution and project files are found under \source<project name>\build<target platform>.