The Bookshelf App is a web application that allows users to manage their book collection. Users can add new books, search for existing books, and view lists of completed and incomplete books. The app provides a user-friendly interface and utilizes local storage to save book data.
- Add new books with title, author, year, and completion status.
- Search for books by title.
- View lists of completed and incomplete books.
- Edit and delete books from the collection.
- Responsive design with a clean and modern interface.
- JavaScript
- Local Storage API
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd bookshelf-app-v1
- Open
in your web browser.
- To add a new book, fill out the form in the "Tambah Buku Baru" section and click the "Masukkan Buku ke rak" button.
- To search for a book, enter the title in the "Cari Buku" section and click the "Cari" button.
- Books can be marked as completed or incomplete, and users can edit or delete books as needed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Inspired by various bookshelf management applications.
- Fonts used: Poppins