Bio-Economic Impact Assessment of Management strategies using FLR
Version: 1.0
provides a simulation toolbox which facilitates the development of bio-economic impact assessments of fisheries management strategies. It is built under a Management Strategy Evaluation framework using FLR. The simulation is divided in two worlds: the operating model (OM, i.e. the real world) and the management procedure model (MP, i.e. the perceived world). The OM is itself divided in 3 components: biological, fleets and environmental and economic covariates. The MP is also divided in 3 components: data, the
perceived system and advice.
Author: Dorleta GARCIA
Maintainer: Dorleta GARCIA, AZTI Tecnalia.
TO INSTALL this package, start R and enter:
or, to install the development version
install_github("FLBEIA", "flr")
TO CITE this package, start R and enter
- Version: 1.3.20130719
- Date: 2013-07-19
- License: GPL-2
- Depends: R(>= 2.15.0), FLCore
- Imports: FLCore
- URL:
- FLBDsim
- FLSRsim
- FLCatchesExt
- FLCatchExt
- FLFleetExt
- FLFleetsExt
- FLMetierExt
- FLMetiersExt
- addFLCatch
- catchNames
- catchNames<-
- FLCatchesExt
- FLCatchExt
- FLFleetExt
- FLFleetsExt
- FLMetierExt
- FLMetiersExt
- is.FLBDSRsims
- is.FLCatchesExt
- is.FLFleetsExt
- is.FLMetiersExt
- Packaged Source FLBEIA_1.3.20130719.tar.gz
- Windows Binary
Please report any bug or issue in the FLBEIA issue tracker