diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme b/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme
index ea5bb7c68b64c..b69b4f1140448 100644
--- a/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme
+++ b/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include "code/items/weapons/melee/centcom/rapier.dm"
#include "code/items/weapons/ranged/energy/awaymission_gun.dm"
#include "code/items/weapons/ranged/energy/eg_14.dm"
+#include "code/items/weapons/melee/garrote.dm"
#include "code/machinery/papershredder.dm"
#include "code/machinery/photocopier.dm"
diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/code/items/weapons/melee/garrote.dm b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/items/weapons/melee/garrote.dm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..cd75b96b41a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/items/weapons/melee/garrote.dm
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ name = "fiber wire"
+ desc = "A length of razor-thin wire with an elegant wooden handle on either end.
You suspect you'd have to be behind the target to use this weapon effectively."
+ icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/obj/weapons/misc.dmi'
+ icon_state = "garrot_wrap"
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/strangling
+ var/improvised = FALSE
+ var/garrote_time
+ . = ..()
+ AddComponent(/datum/component/two_handed)
+ strangling = null
+ return ..()
+ if(strangling) // If we're strangling someone we want our icon to stay wielded
+ icon_state = "garrot_[improvised ? "I_" : ""]unwrap"
+ else
+ icon_state = "garrot_[improvised ? "I_" : ""][HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_WIELDED) ? "un" : ""]wrap"
+ . = ..()
+ /// Made via tablecrafting
+ name = "garrote"
+ desc = "A length of cable with a shoddily-carved wooden handle tied to either end.
You suspect you'd have to be behind the target to use this weapon effectively."
+ icon_state = "garrot_I_wrap"
+ improvised = TRUE
+ . = ..()
+ AddComponent(/datum/component/two_handed, wield_callback = CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(wield)))
+/obj/item/melee/garrote/proc/wield(obj/item/source, mob/living/carbon/user)
+ if(!strangling)
+ return
+ user.visible_message("[user] removes [src] from [strangling]'s neck.",
+ "You remove [src] from [strangling]'s neck.")
+ strangling = null
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+/obj/item/melee/garrote/attack(mob/living/carbon/M as mob, mob/living/user as mob)
+ if(garrote_time > world.time) // Cooldown
+ return
+ if(!ishuman(user)) // spap_hand is a proc of /mob/living, user is simply /mob
+ return
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/U = user
+ to_chat(user, "You must use both hands to garrote [M]!")
+ return
+ if(!ishuman(M))
+ to_chat(user, "You don't think that garroting [M] would be very effective...")
+ return
+ if(!check_behind(U, M) && !HAS_TRAIT(M, TRAIT_INCAPACITATED))
+ to_chat(user, "You cannot use [src] on [M] from that angle!")
+ return
+ if(improvised && ((M.head && (M.head.flags_cover & HEADCOVERSMOUTH)) || (M.wear_mask && (M.wear_mask.flags_cover & MASKCOVERSMOUTH)))) // Improvised garrotes are blocked by mouth-covering items.
+ to_chat(user, "[M]'s neck is blocked by something [M.p_theyre()] wearing!")
+ if(strangling && strangling != M)
+ to_chat(user, "You cannot use [src] on two people at once!")
+ return
+ if(user.grab_state == GRAB_KILL)
+ return
+ if(user.grab_state < 1)
+ M.grabbedby(U, TRUE)
+ if(improvised)
+ U.setGrabState(GRAB_NECK)
+ else
+ U.setGrabState(GRAB_KILL)
+ else
+ if(user.grab_state != GRAB_KILL)
+ U.setGrabState(user.grab_state + 1)
+ if(improvised) // Improvised garrotes start you off with a passive grab, but will lock you in place. A quick stun to drop items but not to make it unescapable
+ M.Stun(1 SECONDS)
+ M.Immobilize(2 SECONDS)
+ else
+ M.adjust_silence(2 SECONDS)
+ M.dir = user.dir
+ garrote_time = world.time + 10
+ strangling = M
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+ playsound(loc, 'sound/items/weapons/cablecuff.ogg', 15, TRUE, -10, ignore_walls = FALSE)
+ M.visible_message("[U] comes from behind and begins garroting [M] with [src]!", \
+ "[U] begins garroting you with [src]![improvised ? "" : " You are unable to speak!"]", \
+ "You hear struggling and wire strain against flesh!")
+ return
+ if(!strangling)
+ // Our mark got gibbed or similar
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+ return
+ if(!ishuman(loc))
+ strangling = null
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+ return
+ var/mob/living/carbon/human/user = loc
+ strangling.dir = user.dir
+ if(user.grab_state < 1)
+ user.visible_message("[user] loses [user.p_their()] grip on [strangling]'s neck.", \
+ "You lose your grip on [strangling]'s neck.")
+ strangling = null
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+ return
+ user.visible_message("[user] loses [user.p_their()] grip on [strangling]'s neck.", \
+ "You lose your grip on [strangling]'s neck.")
+ user.setGrabState(0)
+ strangling = null
+ update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE)
+ return
+ if(user.grab_state < GRAB_NECK) // Only possible with improvised garrotes, essentially this will stun people as if they were aggressively grabbed. Allows for resisting out if you're quick, but not running away.
+ strangling.Immobilize(3 SECONDS)
+ if(improvised)
+ strangling.adjust_stutter(6 SECONDS)
+ strangling.apply_damage(2, OXY, "head")
+ return
+ strangling.adjust_silence(6 SECONDS) // Non-improvised effects
+ if(user.grab_state == GRAB_KILL)
+ //strangling.PreventOxyHeal(6 SECONDS)
+ strangling.losebreath += 6
+ strangling.apply_damage(4, OXY, "head")
+ strangling.apply_damage(4, BRUTE, "head")
diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/obj/weapons/misc.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/obj/weapons/misc.dmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..64d5ef27052d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/obj/weapons/misc.dmi differ