- Cleaned the existing data to differentiate between the design variables and variables needed for PCA analysis
- Analyzed the SAM Dataset to implement PCA and bootstraping techniques to explain the existing data on three principal components.
- Plotted the Factor score, loading and bootstrap ratio graphs to gain more insights.
Conclution in the study were as follows:
- Component 1 1a. Row: Normal versus High Memory group 1b. Column: Normal versus High Memory scores
So Component 1 mainly distinguishes people with high versus normal memory group
- Component 2 2a. Column: Spatial versus other memory types
Distinguishes questions relating to spatial memory versus other memory types. Also shows negative correlation between spatial and future memory ratings.
- Cleaned the existing data to differentiate between the design variables and qualitative variables needed for CA analysis in the survey that mainly explained max variance for our hypothesis question: How education is related to the choice of political parties?
- Analyzed the Dataset to implement CA and bootstraping techniques to explain the existing data on two principal components which were significant after the bootstraping results.
- Plotted the Biplot (Symmetric & Unsymmetric) and bootstrap ratio graphs to gain more insights.
When we interpret the Biplot and correlation circle plot together, the CA and bootstrap results revealed:
- Component 1: The latent structure of the Bama Politics data as revealed by CA indicated that the first component characterized Republican & Independent versus Democrat. Also it indicates that educated people prefer Republican & Independent over Democrat.
- Component 2: Mainly distinguishes people supporting the Republican versus Independent & Democrats.