Modular PHP Push Notification Helper
Simply require the module using composer, as normal:
composer require srleach/pushr
You're ready to get started.
Pushr was designed to fill a gap in a project. That gap was the need for a system to allow push notifications to be sent in a flexible manner. Using a library such as this abstracts that decision to one that can be changed with little fuss at a later date, allowing you to make a just-in-time decision over which provider you'll use without blocking development.
To create a push notification, you need to get an instance of a 'push notification'
public function helloWorld()
// Get a push notification.
Note that this library was developed initially for use with the push notification service. This service is extremely flexible, and allows a fair number of devices on their free tier. That said, There are also many other Push providers which may eventually be added to this module, time permitting.
These may include:
- Amazon SNS
- Firebase
And any others I receive suggestions to create an adapter for.