These days the reviews and analysis reports on several pages have been quite biased,whether it be a person or group of people it's so hard and is also a time-consuming process to conclude if the review or the report is really biased or not. Say, for example, you own a startup and have recently launched your new product or service. Let us say you recently launched your smartwatch and want to know some “real” response that your gadget has got or for instance, consider another situation where your friend suggests you a book on machine learning and says that it is amazing so how do you really know if it is actually amazing.
This problem of biased reports can be avoided by knowing in-person overall feedback. How exactly? The recent trend is when people do something or buy something they share it on social media. Take Twitter, for instance, there’s a vast number of people sharing what they like and don't like about a product they recently purchased or a service they recently consumed also similarly there are good learners out there sharing reviews. So, not exactly we trust or rely on one person’s review we analyse a huge number of tweets using sentiment analysis and get to know the real positives and negatives on a large scale. Now, what we do is create a website where we take the name of the objective that the user wants to analyse, for example, the name of a smartwatch you wanted to buy. A list of the positives, negatives and a pie chart showing the analysis of the product will be generated based on the objective that the user provided. It will not only be useful for individuals, but it's also useful to all the groups ranging from small companies to big giants.