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Guess success probability slider, for plotting the evolution of password guessing attacks.



GSPIDER (guess success probability slider) is a utility, written in the dependently-typed programming language Idris that plots the evolution of a password guessing attack against a password dataset. At the moment, it's a proof-of-concept, but it's still usable for small-scale models.


You'll need Idris installed to build the project. From the root of the repo:

cd ./src
idris Main.idr -p contrib -o gspider.exe


Call the program like this, from the root of the repo:

./src/gspider.exe ./systems/<system>.sys ./dists/<distribution>.freqs ./attacks/<attack>.att > ./results.log

Here's an overview of what those options mean:

Position Name Description
1 System This specifies the supported character set of the system you're modelling. Two sample system files come with the software, which you can find in /systems.
2 Distribution This specifies the distribution of passwords on the system you're modelling. Four sample distribution files come with the software, which you can find in /distributions.
3 Attack This specifies the password guessing attack you're modelling. A sample attack comes with this software, which you can find in /attacks.

As a quick example, from the root of the repo, run the following:

./src/gspider.exe ./systems/ascii.sys ./dists/faithwriters.freqs ./attacks/top10k.att > ./results.log

This will leave you with a file called results.log in the repo root, that will contain the guess success probability of the attack after each guess (or at every frame). The file will look something like this:

Frame is initial.
Frame is terminal.

Plotting this data as a line graph makes for some interesting visualisations! The following graph was generated by running the output of the /attacks/top10k.att attack on each distribution in /distributions through a plotting script based on Matplotlib.


Dependent Types

Dependent types are employed for type-safe reasoning across systems in the GSPIDER model:

Restricted Character-Set String

At the core of the probabilistic attack frame type is the restricted character-set string, which is a string type restricted to containing some specific set of characters. It's encoded as below.

||| Returns true if the given list of characters `str` contains only characters specified in `chars`.
||| @chars the list of permitted characters
||| @str the string to check
madeOf' : (chars : List Char) -> (str : List Char) -> Bool
madeOf' chars [] = True
madeOf' chars (x :: xs) = elem x chars && madeOf' chars xs

||| Returns true if the given string `str` contains only characters specified in `chars`.
||| @chars the list of permitted characters
||| @str the string to check
madeOf : (chars : List Char) -> (str : String) -> Bool
madeOf chars str = madeOf' chars (unpack str)

||| Strings that are restricted to only a specific set of characters.
||| @allowed the list of characters allowed in the string
public export
data RestrictedCharString : (allowed : List Char) -> Type where
  ||| Constructs a restricted character set string with the specified value.
  ||| @val the value of the string
  MkRestrictedCharString : (val : String) ->
                           {auto prf : So (madeOf allowed val)} ->
                           RestrictedCharString allowed


A distribution is just a function that maps restricted character-set strings to floating-point values. With RestrictedCharString defined, we can go ahead and define the Distribution dependent type as below.

||| Represents a password probability distribution for a system.
||| @s the system
public export
Distribution : (s : System) -> Type
Distribution s = (RestrictedCharString s) -> Double

Probability distributions themselves are calculated from real-world password frequency distributions using the Idris probability package which draws heavily on the work of Erwig and Kollmansberger in Probabilisitic Functional Programming in Haskell.

Probabilistic Attack Frames

Probabilistic attack frames are a new datatype, used by GSPIDER, to model guessing attack evolution in a type-safe way. They make use of restricted character-set strings to ensure that both the password distribution and guessing attack relate to passwords containing the same specific subset of characters. It wouldn't make sense, for example, to attempt to input the password hunter2 on an ATM, which only supports numeric passwords. This is one of the problems that dependently-typed PAFs address (see below).

||| Represents a probabilistic attack frame.
||| @ n the number of pending guesses at this frame
||| @ m the number of made guesses at this frame
public export
data AttackFrame : (s : System) -> (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Type where
  -- Included for completeness.
  Empty : (d : Distribution s) ->
          AttackFrame s Z Z
  Initial : (p : Vect (S n) (RestrictedCharString s)) ->
            (d : Distribution s) ->
            AttackFrame s (S n) Z
  Ongoing : (p : Vect (S n) (RestrictedCharString s)) ->
            (g : Vect (S m) (RestrictedCharString s)) ->
            (d : Distribution s) ->
            (q : Double) ->
            AttackFrame s (S n) (S m)
  Terminal : (g : Vect (S m) (RestrictedCharString s)) ->
             (d : Distribution s) ->
             (q : Double) ->
             AttackFrame s Z (S m)

Computing Lockout Policies

This utility comes with a file /scripts/ which allows you to compute a lockout policy for a system based on the output yielded by GSPIDER. A lockout policy is just the minimum number of guesses we can allow a user to make while keeping the probability of a guessing attack being successful against a randomly-chosen account on our system below a certain acceptable threshold. Try it out like this (must be from the /scripts directory):

python ../systems/ascii.sys ../dists/elitehacker.freqs ../attacks/top10k.att 0.05

You'll get some nice friendly output that looks like this:

A maximum of 14 guesses can be made by this attack in order for guess success probability to remain below 0.05.


GSPIDER is still very much in the proof-of-concept stage. With this in mind, there are a few limitations:

  • Frequency file/attack size are limited to a few thousand entries each. I this this might be stack space related, but more digging is required.


I would like to thank the following people for making this project possible: