파이썬 셀레니움을 이용한 DC인사이드 자동 글쓰기
automated DCinside web articles writer by using selenium in python
python3.x, windows10
python3.x & linux (tested in debian, ubuntu)
For windows:
From the repo directory:
git clone https://github.com/deathmojang/dc_auto_write
pip install -r requirements.txt
For linux
git clone https://github.com/deathmojang/dc_auto_write
pip install selenium configparser setuptools pyvirtual PyVirtualDisplay
get and install google-chrome-stable package from https://www.chrome.com
download chrome webdriver from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads and put it in the git directory
Open user.conf
id = 아이디 ex) hongildong
pw = 패스워드 ex) 1234qwer
url = http://www.dcinside.com/
gall = 갤러리 주소 ex) http://gall.dcinside.com/board/write/?id=teamfortress2
title = 제목 ex) "서버 열었다"
content = 내용 (html로 작성) ex) "<p>들어와라</p>"
파이썬 프로그램 시작
python3 auto_write_dc.py