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Jools edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Ecostats wiki!

A widget designed for spectators to easily follow which team is leading in terms of eco, metal, energy. Press Ctrl+F11 to access options menu.

Short manual:

eco-stats image

The above picture is a clip of just 1 team with 2 player, it shows:

  1. Team members by commander symbol (small if commander dead)
  2. Sum of both player's resource income
  3. Sum of both player's firepower (blue bar to the left, with mobile firepower in black)
  4. Sum of both player's build-power (green bar to the left, with aerial bp in yellow)
  5. Kills (in terms of killed hp), blue bar at bottom
  6. Losses (in terms of killed hp), red bar at bottom


  • click on commander symbol to zoom in on player's startpos.
  • ctrl+click on commander symbol to zoom in on player's commander (if alive).
  • Press arrow to the left of window to open statistics window for team.
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