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I'm a Java/Kotlin software developer, currently residing in Germany, Munich (originally from Russia). I have more than 15 years of experience with Java. I mostly focused on compiler engineering, code generation, framework development. I've been working on Kotlin/JS as JetBrains employee for almost 2 years.
I have my own project called TeaVM. TeaVM is originally an attempt to bring JVM-based languages in the browser. There are Kotlin/JS, Scala JS, GWT, but they don't use bytecode as primary source and only tied to one language. TeaVM in opposite can compile to JS any of these languages, even multi-lingual projects. At some point TeaVM is not focused solely on the browser as compilation target, allowing to compile JVM bytecode into C code and get native binaries, as well as targeting browserless WebAssembly (WASI).
TeaVM is used by:
- JetBrains to bring DataLore to the browser.
- Delighex to build web client of their main product, CoSpaces Edu.
- Noble Master Games to build web versions of their games: Retro Commander and Age of Conquest.
- Many independent game developers using TeaVM libGDX backend.
- And many many others.
Personally, I work at Delightex and this is my primary motivation to maintain TeaVM. However, Delightex is only interested in fixing critical issues, not in developing new features (especially, not related to JavaScript) or writing documentation. I do a lot for TeaVM in my spare time.
I'm looking for a way to be rewarded for my work. There are people who use TeaVM for their work, and I would be happy if they decide to pay me some money. This would motivate me to improve TeaVM for them. There are big plans:
- Improve performance when compiling large code bases
- Improve generated code size
- Make WebAssembly backend stable
- Write documentation on WebAssembly and C backends.
- Make TeaVM more compatible with JVM: write emulations for more JDK classes, support reflection, perhaps, class loading.
Of course, I can't achieve all these goals when I can only dedicate to the project few hours a week. I wish I could work on TeaVM full time. I need support of my sponsors to start moving to this goal.
Additionally, now I spend my own money to pay for hosting and domain. I hope at least to cover these expenses.
Featured work
Compiles Java bytecode to JavaScript, WebAssembly and C
Java 2,776