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Hi, I'm Jan Hohenheim 👋
I'm a Swiss developer and researcher. My current focus is open source game development and helping the Bevy ecosystem along it. I also hang around the Discord and help people out. Here are some libraries I contributed to the field:
Yarn Spinner for Rust, the friendly tool for writing game dialogue.
Foxtrot, the all-in-one Bevy 3D game template.
Pixelate Mesh: apply a pixelation effect to any Bevy mesh or scene without post-processing.
Wind Waker Shader: a toon shader that looks like the one used for characters in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Spew, a simple helper for spawning objects in Bevy.
You'll see that Foxtrot uses quite a few third-party crates. I've given back to the creators of nearly all of these by contributing pull requests and helping them out. I intend to continue strenghening the ecosystem by improving crates I regularly use.
I've also worked on quite a few non-game related things such as written a Book about Rust, was heavily involved in developing a tool to detect epileptogenic zones in the brain during neurosurgery, used bioinformatics to search for a novel sex determination gene in the housefly and wrote a (now defunct) machine learning library using genetic algorithms.
I'm mainly living off money I laid aside and IT odd jobs, so having some stable income, even if not much, would be great to guarantee that I can continue doing the work I love.
Featured work
The all-in-one Bevy 3D game template for desktop.
Rust 665 -
The friendly tool for writing game dialogue in Rust
Rust 195 -
A toon shader that looks like the one used for characters in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Rust 56 -
Apply a pixelation effect to any Bevy mesh or scene without post-processing.
Rust 84 -
A simple helper for spawning objects in Bevy.
Rust 31 -
Codebase for all code featured in Packt's Rust Standard Library Cookbook written by Jan Hohenheim
Rust 56