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The Software Packaging Kit (SPK) provides package management and a software runtime for studio environments.
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Driven by the unique requirements of the film, vfx, and animation industries, SPK has a few primary goals:
- Package Compatibility Beyond Version Numbers
- Recipe and Source Publication
- Fast, Dynamic Build and Runtime Environments
- Reliable and Natural Definition of Platforms and Constraints
- More details on these goals can be found [here]({{< ref "./develop/design" >}})
Additionally, SPK is built on top of a technology called SPFS, which lends a few superpowers to the whole system:
- Per-process, isolated software runtimes
- A single, consistent file path for all software at runtime
- File-level de-duplication of package data
- Efficient sync, transfer and localization of software
- More about spfs [here]({{< ref "./spfs" >}})