Releases: spinnaker/kork
Releases · spinnaker/kork
kork v7.223.0
277447d chore(dependencies): upgrade testcontainers to the latest - 1.19.6 (#1174)
kork v7.222.0
3a6adac chore(dependency): upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 and unpin kotlinx-coroutines (#1176)%0Aa3e98b5c chore(deps): bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (#1175)
kork v7.221.0
c153b6a chore(dependencies): upgrade snakeyaml from 1.29 to 1.31 (#1173)
kork v7.220.0
e823562 chore(dependency): upgrade spring boot from 2.5.15 to 2.6.15 and spring cloud from 2020.0.x to 2021.0.x (#1134)
kork v7.219.0
8513635 chore(dependencies): use version 2.9.0 of com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path (#1172)%0A9a9324cb chore(dependencies): use version 1.2.13 of logback (#1171)%0Adb7e4be4 chore(dependencies): use version 0.9.4 of org.bitbucket.b_c:jose4j (#1170)%0Af1aa0aaa fix(artifacts): Do not store non-base64 artifacts (#1164)%0A93c3fe61 test(artifacts): extend testing of applicationsRegex (#1162)
kork v7.206.1
a982ca0 fix(s3ArtifactStore): Backport of 1164 direct to branch (#1169)
kork v7.188.1
ecb98c5 fix(s3Artifacts): Fixes where artifacts are SPeL vs. base64 direct - backport of 1164 (#1168)
kork v7.218.0
6372617 perf(artifacts): compile appliationsRegex once instead of on each use (#1161)
kork v7.217.0
690ec5d chore(dependencies): use version 33.0.0 of (#1160)%0Ae85f740c chore(dependencies): pin org.bitbucket.b_c:jose4j to version 0.9.3 (#1159)%0A1fdfcb6a chore(dependencies): pin io.netty:netty-bom to 4.1.100.Final (#1158)
kork v7.216.0
d7bbb6a feat(sql): make DefaultSqlConfiguration's transaction isolation configurable (#1156)