Releases: spelunky-fyi/modlunky2
Releases · spelunky-fyi/modlunky2
Tracker Updates
Category Tracker
- Fix bug that could crash tracker when shutting down Spelunky
- Fix bug that invalidated low percent when you revive from ankh while cursed/poisoned
- Add option to always show modifiers regardless of level
Level Editor Update / Tracker Fixes
Level Editor
- New full level view which lets you see what setrooms will look like fully assembled
- New community tile codes:
- Fixed bug that could cause trackers to sometimes close when the game is closed
- Fixed bug in category tracker that caused category to render improperly during ending cutscenes
Thanks to @Nobledez and @mauvealerts for these contributions!
Tracker Updates
- Trackers now support being launched, and will continue to run, even while Spel.exe is not running to allow leaving them open
- Bug related shutdown fixed where button has gone away
- Fixed issue related to flushing shutdown state to files when modlunky is closed
Thanks @mauvealerts for these fixes!
Tracker Update
Category Tracker
- Added support for Low% Jungle/Temple
Tracker Fixes
Category Tracker
- Fix race where bucket goes away in entity map
- Fix bug where low% is invalidated when exiting a level while cursed/poisoned
- Fix bug related to Low% Cosmic Ocean
- Mattock in backlayer of moon challenge will no longer invalidate low% as long as you pick up the bow before olmec
- Firing hou yi's bow will in approved back layers will no longer invalidate low% ever
Tracker Updates
- Trackers now write to a file in the data directory. This allows you do use a file as a source in OBS
- Fixed bug related to accessing unordered maps when entity becomes unavailable
- Fixed 🐈 tracker yelling (NO CO -> No CO)
Category Tracker Fixes
Category Tracker
- Fixed issue where tiamat exit didn't invalidate chain
- Fixed issue where eggplant would invalidate low%
- Moved eggplant to suffix
Category Tracker Improvements
Category Tracker
- Add eggplant modifier if you have eggplant crown
- Add support for score runs
- Pickup Plasma Cannon / True Crown changes to Score NO CO
- If you have Hou Yi's Bow at Olmec changes to Score
- If you exit at Hundun/Tiamat revert back to Score NO CO
- Speedrun fixes
- If you exit at Tiamat ignore co/chain and just display low/any%
- If you exit at Hundun ignore co state and just display SC categories
Category Tracker Chain/Low Improvements
- Renamed Chroma Key setting to Color Key based on feedback
Category Tracker
- Added 🐈 to button
- Increased poll interval from 100ms to 16ms to avoid missing small frame windows
- Avoid updating text display if the text hasn't changed
- Track low_if_chain states to allow disqualification from low% when you are disqualified from chain
- has_chain_powerup
- has_mounted_qilin
- has_swung_excalibur
- has_fired_hou_yis_bow
- has_swung_mattock
- Track various states for chain disqulification
- Before world 3:
- if hedjet/crown/udjat: chain = True
- On World 3:
- if no hedjet/crown: chain = False
- On World 4:
- if not headwear and had_ankh: chain = False
- if tidepool and level 4: chain = False (skipped abzu)
- if tidepool and level 3 and not held excalibur: chain = False
- if temple and level 3 or 4: chain = False (skipped cog or duat)
- if temple and level 2 and not held scepter: chain = False
- On World 5:
- if not all headwear, had ankh, held excal/scepter, tablet: chain = False
- On World 6, level 3:
- if not all headwear, had ankh, held excal/scepter, tablet, held ushabti: chain = False
- Before world 3:
- Fixed bug where no tp wouldn't show for chain disqualification
Spelunky 99
- Added buffered line writer to help with file writing issues
Category Tracker Fixes
- Fix bug in detecting moon challenge
- allow bow in all waddlers