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Level Editor Updates

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@jaythebusinessgoose jaythebusinessgoose released this 24 Dec 06:45
· 96 commits to main since this release

All Editors

  • Fixed some tile images that were bleeding into each other (eg, litwalltorch and zoo_exhibit).
  • Stop trying to move the canvas when making edits in a level/room that has already been loaded.
  • Renamed some items in the file/level select panel to look nicer:
    • [Create_New_Pack] -> Create New Pack
    • [Create_New_Level] -> Create New Level
    • ARENA -> Arena
    • <<BACK -> << Back

Custom Level Editor

Added a toolbar to select from different tools:

  • Draw (D)
  • Select (S)
  • Fill (F)
  • Move (M)

Hold click and drag to select a region.
Hold shift when clicking to add an additional region instead of replacing the current region.
Hold space while dragging to move the region instead of expanding it.

Click or right click in a select region to fill all select regions entirely.
Only when there is no selected region, click or right click a tile to fill all tiles of the same tilecode.

Click and drag a select region to move all tiles in all select regions. Release to commit the move. Press escape to cancel the move.
Click and drag a tile that is not in any select region to move only that one tile.

Also fixed a bug where the "collapse settings" button was hidden in the full level vanilla editor.

Vanilla Editor

  • Saving an edited level should no longer add all of the tiles from its "dependencies" to the level's file. In addition, these dependency-provided tiles are displayed in separate sections of the tile picker palette, and will be added to the level file when manually selected.
  • Added buttons in the rooms list of the single room editor and in the room type selection dropdown of the full level editor to create a new room template.
  • Fixed bug where the tile palette wouldn't remove tiles after deleting, and wouldn't redraw the full level editor's canvas.
  • Fixed background of olmec.lvl to use Olmec theme instead of Jungle.

Full Level Editor

  • Added randomize buttons to randomize the chunks for each room template.
  • Fixed hide grid/room lines options not working.
  • Fixed empty row of rooms sometimes being added in the Other canvas.
  • Added button to hide tile palette side panel.

Single Room Editor

  • Selecting/expanding a room template in the rooms list will no longer remove the canvas of the currently selected room chunk. The room will only clear when another room chunk is selected.
  • Added a zoom slider.
  • Added button to hide tile palette side panel.